
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Where's Your Manners?

It was my parent's anniversary yesterday. I wasn't sure of the plan yesterday but I thought we were gonna go eat some Japanese fewd. Both me and my bro was fooled. Actually they went to Wagamama at Kompleks Asia City @_@

Since my bro and me were at 1 Borneo (can't play air hockey *cries, it's under service), both of us don't know what to do *sigh. We bought some tickets for 2:25pm Ip Man movie.

But before we get to Ip Man review. Lemme post some fewd XD

Check out em raves, here.

Was in a bit of rush, but heck the movie started kinda late and there's so many advertisement @_@

Anyways, I think this movie is great! XD Love it. My bro actually watch it 2nd time. My experience of watching it would have been better if not becoz of this couple who sat next to me at seat D7 and D8.

I really don't mind couples having their mushy mushy moments even at times it'll make me gag. Not trying to offend anyone here but hey it's just my 2 cents. What pisses me off was the fact that that *toot bf of this lady next to me was on the phone. I mean I don't mind if your phone rang and you whisper to the caller that you'll call them back or wutever. But there, that baboon, talking on the phone, LOUDLY!

Both me and my bro overheard his conversation. I bet everyone else did too. You don't own the place la dood. Even if you do own the place, it doesn't give you the right to talk on the phone in the cinema. Use your brain la. Get yourself a big screen tv la if you're so damn rich, your own personal cinema at home. Btw, he was on the phone not once, not twice, but I think 3 times. Till I turned my head looking at them with a look. That's when the *tootsie gf asked him to talk outside. STEWPED BABOON.

After the movie, they'd left and me and my bro was "bitching" about how retarded those people are, coincidently we walked passed by them. I HOPE THEY HEAR US! Lousy piece of shite~!! =_=" *hmph~

Oh yeah, what's with the 1901 kiosk at 1 Borneo? It looks like it's runned by gangsters @_@""" It was close since morning. Tutup kadai sudah ka? We went back there again, the punk that was guarding the booth told us that they're out of hotdogs. Hmm, weird, why do we see them making em? *confused~

That pretty much wraps up wutever shite that's happened on that day.

Thank yew very much for reading. I'm off to bed now.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

CSP Ultimate Party 2008

The CSP Ultimate Party 2008 is a combination of 4 celebration (as follows):

1. CSP 2nd Year Anniversary
2. Post-HobbyCon08 Celebration
3. Christmas Celebration
4. Welcoming New Year 2009

This party is organized by IRTeA and was held at Aishah Hall, Imperial Boutec Hotel, Warisan Square. More info. about this party, here.

The dinner started around 7pm. I was late XD opps~ Yeah, messed up hair urgh~

*takes deep breath. Hah! Some people thought I wore dress mwahhaha. Well the initial plan was to wear a dress but since "BLACK" is banned from the party *sigh, I had to find alternatives.

It's not easy to look for clothes you see. It took me few shop browsing for the right one. @_@

My outfit cost me around nvm, you don't wanna know.

Anyways, buffet dinner. *leeched photo from Flannie.

After dinner is our introductory session. Erm, I have no idea how many of us. But most of the photos (single person) are in facebook. Linkies (here).

Once that's done, 1st game. Charades. Consist of 5 members in a team.

Team 1

Team 2
Team 3

Team 4

The winner is! *drumrolls.

Second game was, guess the CSP member. 2 player game. 1 person describe the other one guess. Forgot what's the time limit.

Team 1

Chiaki and sakuya - sorry no photo, I think I was er bz doing something @_@""" gomene~

Team 2
koby and alien

Team 3
panja and me

Team 4
dizzy chan and ling X3

Team 5
cubex and dias (opps)

Next is gift exchange. Weird that I got no. 12 and no. 21 @_@

I got a monkey plush in a ciggie container and rob got a mug

Our party ends at around 11pm. Last but not least, group photo (leeched from Shadow).

More photos:
Flanegan (Batch 1, Batch 2)
Massy (Batch 1, Batch 2)


CSP Forum

I'll update if there's more. Thanks everyone!

Friday, December 26, 2008

It's the season to get bloated...

Urgh, running up and down the stairs every 2 hours since 4am is not fun. @_@ Especially when you can't "crap" in your own toilet becoz you might flood your sis room. Yeap, something wrong with the toilet upstairs. It's starting to get on my nerves. Every morning you have to bring all your toiletries and shower downstairs. Not fun at all.

Anyways, I think my stomach can't take the amount of delicious fewd I had yesterday LOL. And I went to 3 house only. Thanks to 540, JoJ and uncle for the invites and the delicious fewds! *burps~


- you may skip this part, oh sorry if this part spoiled your meal -

On Christmas Eve, I went to the clinic to "fix" my toe. But since the doctor told me that I might need a whole day rest after the process of taking off my toe nail, I told him that I'll see him after the holidays hehehehe.

And it's not that bad. I mean my toe doesn't hurt. It's just starting to get on my nerves that I keep on pulling it (an attempt to pull it off my toe). I'm refering to the nail. Even my mum told me to just leave it coz it'll fall off eventually. It looks like it's gonna come off soon.

- end of meal spoiling part -

Anyways, here's how my day started on Christmas. The initial plan was for me to go to 540's house with my sis, Tina. But she canceled last minute, I think she was kinda obses with her stamps bidding thinggie.

So I "literally" begged (with teary eyes) my bro to come with me hehehehe.

Thank yew cube.

We're at our first house around before noon. Oh, we got slightly lost. Yes we have map that time. When we got there, the guys were playing the new boardgame, "King Arthur". I didn't get to play this so, can't explain it here. Maybe next time, if I get a chance to play it. I will explain it here (as a new post of coz).


We started on another game called Bang! No no, this is another bang game.

The fewd~ *drools.

One of the game we didn't get to play T_T

Group photo.

Cube kena jail.

Went to JoJ's place at Tuaran around 3pm. I think. We got kinda lost hehehe. Left there around 5:30pm. They have lotsa pets. Uh oh, photos have to wait for JoJ to post it XD

Then went home for shower. Left for uncle's house at around 7:30pm. We were there before 8pm. Or I think we did.

Didn't take much shots on that nite. Uh oh but ray did XD

I feel bloated @_@

More photos, here.

So yeah, overall that's how my xmas day went by.

Gonna go to fara's place tonite.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Something about massy...

Before I start with my initial idea bout this post, I'll be posting about fewd again. Yes, fewd. And yes, you guys are doomed! XD

New place to eat! Where?

TENOM STATION, CITYMALL!!! It's located at 1st floor, near Y! fitness.

This was recommended by the guys from the forum. They kill zombies almost everyday. Or izzit everyday? Anyways, as per recommendation, I ordered the Hainanese Chicken Chop which cost around RM6.

A slice of fried boneless chicken meat served with chips or rice with slices of fresh tomatoes, green peas, baked beans and button mushrooms. It smells really nice. Taste very tomato-ish. The only problem we had was, not enough! We were still hungry after finish eating this.

A friend ordered the mee hoon soup. I have no idea how this taste like but this looks way filling than the chicken chop we had.

Ogie, enough about fewd. Now I shall post up some photos I took around the house.

Where does this lead to? You don't wanna know. *queues dangdut.

My dad found this moth? After going into the mini jungle, I suffered from mosquito bites @_@

While I was looking for this moth, I found a cute furry lil caterpillar.

I took quite a number of shots but this is also not the post plan I had in mind.

You guys are prolly anxious by now. Well, here it is.

My postcard collections! Some are purchased from my trip, some are posted or given by friends, some are from hotels and some are free postcards from Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Germany and Romania. I got 2 box filled with it. And I love it!

Oh yeah, notice the orange plastic on the left, those are garfield postcards that I bought years back.

Some free postcards my sis got me from misc country.

I have posters too. Mostly surf and skate wears.

So people, if you went traveling, please get me some free postcards hehehe XD

COOKIE!!! nyom nyom nyom~

Where to get these cookie?

Homemade Delight, Ground Floor, Kompleks Asia City.

What's available?

I'm not sure, but from the photo are Raisins, Ginger with Choco Rice Chips and Almond (heart shape, my favorite). I remember there's chocolate cookie too. I'll check with Mune again later.


1 container/box is RM20.00


Wesley (I call him Mune, coz his nick at CSP forum is MasterMune) at 014 6797654.

Personal note to Mune: I want mushroom chicken T_T

So yeah, if you want em cookies, you can drop me a message here or call him at that no. above.

Almond cookies X3

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cosplay Outing @ 1 Borneo

I nearly forgot all about this. Somehow I've been bz procrastinating.

Lemme start with how the day went. I followed my bro and we went off around 9:30am. We suppose to meet up around noon actually. But yeah we're early. Why? Coz of parking. Yeap, parking at 1 Borneo on a weekend is crazy! They'll close Gate A and C. You'll end up parking at 2nd floor or 4th floor or outside.

We didn't know that McD @ 1 Borneo don't have McD Breakfast aiyah~. I wanted to eat breakfast meals. But I went and order Prosperity Burger instead. The meal set cost (RM12.28+RM3.60 = RM15.88) @_@ so expensive. I know the double prosperity would sound more worth it, just add another RM7 but it's way too expensive.

It's worth every cent. But the curly fries too little la. I need more.

Went to the bank, the washroom and to the arcade for 2 rounds of Air Hockey. Erm, sux coz they didn't polish the table, barely can hit the puck. Then went to Daiso while waiting for everyone else to arrive. Jason came to collect his beanie. He had lunch at Apple Cafe. Well since we (my bro and me) already ate at McD, we can't eat anymore at that time. But I took some shots of his food and it looks delicious. Maybe I'll go there and try someday.

Another round of Air Hockey with Jason.

I think the outing sort of started around 1pm. OMG!

Not only that, we were walking in merry go round trying to find the Redbull Female Driver Search event LOL. Funny. There's tons of people and the place is crowded. You barely can feel the aircond. I guess that happens when the mall is filled with people huh? Oh yeah, there's lotsa event going on that day, KFC for kids, registration booth for New Year Party, Digi booths etc. There's some serious music mix going on that time.

Oh yeah met Ray and Gwen at the Redbull Registration counter. Oh and I met my eldest sis there too. She's the MC. I help her took some shots of her with her new friends.

ray and my sis

lol ray took this. I love this shot

Oh yeah and I got my share of Redbull drink (less sugar). My first impression. It taste like plum. After awhile, it taste like medicine @_@

Met Sakuya chan with Mastermune and Jack Jack at the entrance around 1pm.

We hang out at McD for lunch. I mean they had their lunch there. I was there to chill. Oh and I met Susan (Osindak) with her kids :) .

Some of the cosplayers.

cubex as abe takakazu

sakuya chan


Oh yeah, GG flannie carried 2 camera today. His canon and mamiya @_@ damn heavy!

Anyways, we went to the arcade to play air hockey again. Some went to play taiko no tatsujin.

We went to Daiso again. Then sit and hang out at the nearby cafe.

Not forgetting Mastermune brought along some butter cookies.

ADVERTISEMENT: These are for sale!!! Oh but I don't know how much it cost. His shop is at ground floor of Kompleks Asia City btw. Anyone interested? Drop me a message *giggles. My favorite is the heart shape cookies XD I rike~

In the end, I didn't get a lot of shots and I forgot to take group photo @_@. I guess I was too tired. I mean very tired. I went home around 6pm. Thanks to acom for sending me home.

More photos from outing, here.

Oh yeah, last but not least, I went to Japanese Dream Food at Centre Point last Friday and went to try the takoyaki there. My brother recommended it. It is indeed taste better. I mean it's an actual tako ball. Not empty in any part of the tako ball. What makes it tasty is the dried shrimp included in the ingredients till you sort of forgot the amount of tako that actually inside of it. LOL. Oh and this one no wasabe sauce. Only BBQ sauce and mayo. For RM5 per 4 pcs.

That's all folks. Thanks!