
Monday, April 26, 2010

Miss Pahaness / JnaGG's "early" birthday surprise

When I said early, I mean early.  Like coz her actual birth date is on 29th. 

Nex prepared light (you call that light?!) snacks and cake for the "parteh".  Location?  Internet Arena, Citymall.  L4D2 = camouflage.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vina Panduwinata - Aku Makin Cinta

The purpose of this post is just to promote my friend's youtube ;) kekekekek.

It's a song by Vina Panduwinata - Aku Makin Cinta

Original video;

Saturday, April 17, 2010

America's Next Top Model Cycle 14

I've been waiting for the new cycle for ANTM for months now.  Can't believe I missed out on the actual release date.  I got Ruth to thank for that.  And it's been a month?  Or a week? since the release of cycle 14.

Here are your top 14!

I got my eyes on some to win this but *sigh.  Some of my favorites got booted out for being emo.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Usagi Japanese Restaurant Lunch Promotion

Been meaning to blog about this since last Tuesday.  I got a bit distracted with doing other stuff and my photos didn't uploaded to dropbox somehow.  Sorry 'bout that. 

So, last Tuesday, I went to Karamunsing with my brother and had lunch with my sis.  Been wanting to buy her a birthday present since last week but I was busy with some other plans.  There's a lunch promotion at Usagi Japanese Restaurant. 

Your choices are:

Monday, April 05, 2010

1st Week of April 2010

I don't think April started fun. More $$ fly away, well more like I spent it on figurines and new set of tyres.  I need to focus on something else!

On another note, my house been on blackout spree for 3 days now.  What's wrong with SESB lately?! =_="""

Didn't go anywhere on Saturday.  It was pouring.  But I manage to take photo of this.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Ice & Fire Cafe @ Lintas

Oh gawd, I smell like fewd oil so badly that I need another shower today (before I start my rant).  After shower, I realize my room smells like kitchen.  OMG! #_# 

Tonite, we (the CSPians, there's like 13 of us) went to Ice & Fire Cafe at Lintas for the first time to try the ice cream.  I actually wanted to try their ice cream coz Fara blogged about it and was tempted by the ice cream sotong ordered.  Her blog post, here.