
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Luk Luk Queen Outing

This year didn't join SCKLM.  Hopefully next year can join. 

Anyways, yesterday, mum showed me a big packet of two (2) packets of Indo Mee that she just bought that I had to cook Indo Mee Goreng for myself for lunch.  *kempunan.  I wish I could eat 2 packets but I do not wanna stuff myself too much since am gonna go for Luk Luk at Lido.

No event page, neh~ this somebody don't wanna do event page.  Anyways, I went to get Transformer 3D tickets for 10 peeps around noon.  Lucky still have 1 row of seats and an okay seats.  I'd prefer somewhere in the middle but 3rd row from behind is still okay.  At least it's not like "in your face" kind of seats. 

Back to Luk Luk.  Left home around 7pm and reach there slightly before 7:30pm.  Gawd, what's with the weather lately.  IT'S SO FRIGGING HOT!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chicken Wing at Beach + Leanna's Surprise Birthday Party

Pjal buzz us to plan the birthday party since 31st May.  The initial plan was to celebrate at Windbell Seafood Restaurant at Tg. Aru on the 18th, changed location to Tanamera luk luk and finally decided to do it yesterday, 17th June at Beach 1, Tg. Aru.  Hehehe since she'll be reaching KK on that day.  And since she wanted some chicken wings.

What's suppose to be a roughly 10 people party turned doubled.  19 people showed to the outing hehe.  Coz I did an invite via CSP fb page.  SUCCESSFUL PLAN IS SUCCESSFUL.  8D

I went there after my failed 3km run.  

Still coughing but screw it.  I want a big watermelon juice.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Green Lantern Movie Outing + yamchar

I got a habit of preparing stuff really early like getting the movie tickets for 12 peeps 2-3 days earlier from actual movie date.  I think this is the most tickets I bought.  We almost took full middle row.  Coz the middle row have like 13 seats.  Btw, the movie is disturbingly funny.

I went to Suria Sabah right after work, I had to leave early coz I'm the only one left and the cleaner lady wanted to lock up already.  It's like she's shoo-ing me out from the office.  oTL.  Met Sakuya and accompanied her to do some shopping.  While walking around, I thought about that overpriced dress at Wisma Merdeka.  Gawd, I got this bad habit, when I saw something I really like, I really want it, I MUST get it.  *slaps self.  I've already refrained myself from trying it out to minimize the "damage" but it doesn't seem to work.  Guess I'll drop by tomorrow or when I'm free.

I planned to have fruits for dinner but surprisingly the food court doesn't have any?  Y U NO fruits?  Had to eat chicken rice instead.  I had too much rice ARGH.  *hates.  gained 500g from that.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Mini Quest by experimental playground

After weeks and weeks of sms spam (okay maybe not), acing (my friend) finally agrees to meet me on Monday (yesterday) for dinner.  Since he wanted soup, and since I couldn't think of any place that serves soup at nite, we decided to go Olde Station Kopitiam at Citymall last nite.  Yamchar!

But before that, I went to pick my sis up from work yesterday.  First time to the Cosmopoint campus at Tuaran ByPass.  Mum with her directions, lucky I roughly know where it is.

Reason why I had to pick her up from work and had to wait for an hour coz I leave work before 5pm and she only finishes around 6pm.  Means I have an almost an hour gap of time to waste.  1 lorry stuck and 2 container blocking the road yesterday.  Mum couldn't get out and I probably couldn't get home.  Scared I might be late but I manage to reach Citymall exactly at 7pm hehe.  No, I didn't speed.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Huawei IDEOS X5

Remember my previous blog post about the smartphone?  So, I finally got it, but a latest version.  Not the one I wanted.  I got tempted with the extra function in the above mentioned phone.  Cost more but it's WORTH IT!  I went over budget though but it's alright cause I still can survive. 

Been downloading free apps from android market.  I currently have 4 types of camera apps installed hehe.  And in comparison with my "tarper", sakuya, I've taken more photos and uploaded more photos to facebook hehe.