
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 Trip - final

21st November 2011 (Monday)

Last day in Penang.  I don't wanna go home!  Not yet!  I haven't finish exploring this place yet nouuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ *cries.  I was having a little big of regret for not impulse buying on some of the clothes which are on sale and the food, don't get me started, I wanted to eat a bunch of em.  Friend on the other hand regretted didn't buy more books lmao.  See, I say already.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 Trip - Part 3

Woke up at 10pm, had about less than 3 hours of sleep, I guess I was nervous or I just have problem sleeping.  Did 30 push ups and prepared for a hot shower before 11pm, what?! NO WATER?!  WHY?! Omg, that's when I start panicking.  Went downstairs at slightly past 11pm to check what's going on.  There's a pipe burst and they're fixing it.  Only will be able to fix it in less than 2 hours time.  Oh lord, panic mode.  But owner told me I could shower at the toilet downstairs but no hot water.  Okay.jpg.  Went  back up to my room and took my toiletries and towel and went back down.  Before that, I smsed the guys to inform them about it.  Found out later that they just woke up.  Somebody set the alarm clock wrongly *chuckled.

Left the hotel in a cab to the jetty terminal.  Free shuttle bus to Jerejak Jetty every 30 mins.  Just in time.

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 Trip - Part 2

19th Nov 2011 (Saturday)

Rise and shine!  It's day 2.  I woke up as early as 5am.  Don't ask.  Was lying around with my eyes wide open till around 6 and did a little push ups and got ready by 7am.  

Went to check out New World Park (the place where we had our dinner the night before) if it's open but it's not open yet. It's not even 9am yet.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 Trip - Part 1

I don't know where to start.

I'll make this part by part coz it's gonna be long XD

I contemplate in doing this run but decided to do it and since I manage to drag 2 more people to go with me, we went to register and start booking. I did the flight booking and accommodation for myself and 2 guy friends but couldn't find nearest to the event location. It was my first trip to Penang, I've been wanting to visit but never had the chance to.  My friend been bugging me to book it early (like 6 months early) but I only manage to do it in September, a bit late but it's ok.  Cut the story short I'm gonna start with flying there on the 18th Nov 2011 (Friday).

Been trying to add on when check in for Air Asia bookings but there was an upgrade to the Air Asia website a week before I did the web check-in that I couldn't manage my booking, I end up checking in without the add ons.  Oh well.  Lets just say that whole process of me arranging everything was a stressful one.  

I think it has been a struggle for me a month before the event, I got sick and injured my right leg and it's not healing properly coz I wasn't resting it properly.  Manage to fix it before race date but there's still some minor twitching, so decided to take it slow and don't overdo my running.  Cut down my speedwork and just did normal runs.  It was okay, I could have done better.  Anyways, back to  my flight to Penang on the 18th.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 + Effective Cure for Cough

Another less than a week before the race.  I'm excited and panicking at the same time.  With all the phail runs and leg injury every now and then, today at least I could finish a 10km run.  Last long run before the race.  Do not do anything stewped in between before the race Massy.  So who's going?  Buzz buzz me!  I hope to see you gais there!

I was checking my previous 10km records on my garmin connect and very please, even though it's very minor, I've improved my pace.  So happy.