
Monday, July 16, 2012

Gears of War boardgame + Steam Summer Sale!

I'm gonna start with talking about how my day went on Sunday then about the games I recently bought from the sale and go on to the boardgame okay.

So last Sunday, after a 6 days force rest due to infection on my blister, which, btw is fine now, well in a way of putting it cause I end up cutting off the skin and manage to remove that layering dead skin cells that I had before, felt so good mang,  I don't have a bump on my foot anymore, but everytime stepping on a tiled floor felt like stepping on cold water, I finally went out for run.  Dan, who totally forgot that I was on force rest ask me what time we're starting our 21km run on Sunday.  HOI! Neways, suggested we do an easy 10km instead.  I woke up as early as 3:30am, had a good night sleep perhaps from sleeping at 9:30pm (actually slept so early cause I did an hour on the stationary bike, got so tired), stomach aching from period pain and diarrhea, good lord, got ready and off I go after 5am.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

7k Sutera Harbour Sunset Charity Run

I've been contemplating to blog about my KL trip.  It was fun and not so fun for me to the extent that I did not wanna talk about it.  On another note...

It's my 3rd time joining the 7k Sutera Harbour Sunset Charity Run.  No difference between the previous years, t-shirt + registration fee of RM28 (Increased by RM3 I think).  It rained at 3:30pm, do not care, I still just gonna run.  I brought along my camera this time around, thinking that I could catch some familiar faces for some photo.  But I manage to crosspath with some and did not take photo with.  I am sad.  I though, manage to take photo with the bunch that started with me.