
Monday, September 21, 2020

[Activities] An adventure to the Taralamas River Canyon, Kg. Tiang Lama, Ranau.

Wow, what a year.  I can't remember the last time, oh wait I did went for hiking months back to Tamaza Waterfall (sorry blog post tergendala) but I haven't been doing it as often that I would have liked.  This time, went on a trip with my group from handstand class with a runner friend to Taralamas River Canyon in Ranau. 

We opt for overnight at the homestay which cost us RM30 per person, coz we needed the electricity to charge our phones (there's camping 🏕 option: Bring your own tent at RM10 per pax and RM20 per pax for option at the sulap), and coz it's way more convenient than waking up early and driving at 3am to get to our somewhat unknown destination that might take us 3 hours to reach.