
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Con-woman at Work?

Hooo~ *paranoid

As usual our office PA (personal asst) will always be missing after noon. Her reasons would always be about settling issues at bank or went to pos office etc. I thought she might not have anymore problem with money since she loaned some from the company recently. Oooo I guess I was wrong. Never assume. Money will always be her problem forever and ever. I wonder what she did with those amount of cash. Makes me wonder. Today (refering to the day before - Tuesday), some lady called the office from a local bank asking for somebody who doesn't work here. The lady called for more than 4 times looking for the same person. We informed her that there's no such person working here. It comes to a shock to us. Questions, unanswered ones.

The actual story, the PA has asked one of the colleague here to lie to the person who called from the bank. Telling them that such person she mentioned existed. But no one wants to be part of her lies. So, everyone told the truth. The PA create a fake name and a fake payslip and applied for a loan from the local bank. *shame shame. Everyone (4 of us) was furious. Wish the boss would do something about her. She haven't been in the office all the time. Wait, most of the time to be exact? She's not at work most of the time. I think she used up all her annual leave. I wonder if she gonna take up more leaves like last year. I think she took up 3 months of leave. The management informed us that they would deduct her salary by the end of that particular year but no action was taken. How sad is that? She seems to be the center of attention with all her problems.

Today (Wednesday), as told by the Accountant, she came early to the office and left. And two of my colleague told us that she's on MC (medical leave) for 2 days. Wow. And guess what? This morning, so many calls looking for her. Even her mother and sister looking for her. Hoohoho, till then, to be concluded...

Oh she did it again.


  1. interesting? more like drama hahahahaha

  2. interesting? more like drama hahahahaha

  3. to be continued ni. xkan abis tu crita hahahahha

  4. 500? 50 already long enuf suda tu! ;p

  5. adidi. panat se mo sambung ni crita. it's like in a loop ni. u know after that day kan...terus cuti 3 hari oh. punya men selamba. abis sudah tu dia punya annual leave tu
