
Thursday, July 27, 2006

I know. I haven't been blogging. It's not my fault when one day "blackout", next the internet connection suck arse. Totally not my fault.

Anyways, yesterday was so bored. Ogie maybe I complain a lot. But seriously, I was playing games all day yesterday. Went back home as usual, did the routine things, as usual. Clean kitty cage, feed kitty, let kitty play.

Yesterday ummm, took out gendut and took some photos and video of him. Here's one. (Noted: I couldn't load the other ones coz the line sucks!)

Also can be viewed at gendut series - 1

And I took some dragonfly photos. To view go to

Today, woke up around 6am. Oh man. I had like well actually enuff amount of time to sleep. No complains. >_<" Sent my mum to KPD. Er...Hari Peladang thinggie. Lotsa cars, lotsa traffic police. Bla bla bla. Er ogie. Am so sleepy rite now. *hiks.

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