
Friday, August 11, 2006

IT'S MY B'DAY! Whether you like it or not :P

Sweet! So, I skip work today. Yay! Body drained from yesterday's anger. Wooo~

Woke up early. Habit. Went outside. Say Timmie sleeping on the sofa. He's so cute. *rubs Timmie. Cute Timmie. He sleeps like a baby. Dad wish me happy b'day. He ask me whether I received any present yet. Oooo? O_o? I said only from my 2nd sis, Tina. Heee, she gimme emily strange stuff. I LURVE~! Will take photo later.

Went downstairs to look at kitties. Hee~ Ooo happy jolly day. Mum wish me happy b'day and kiss me cheek. :D (I haven't shower, wash face, brush teeth yet) Then she was like asking me "Did you get your present?". I go like "O_o presento? where? wut?" Guess wut I got for my b'day?

mind the surrounding...shuddup!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee...a new BenQ 17" LCD monitor woo hoo! A new monitor yay! :D


Wanted to thank these people for b'day wishes :
  1. lil one (*points at wummie). I received sms and tons of wishes from him.
  2. An early wish from acing. Thank yew :D
  3. B'day wish from pika. Thank yew.
  4. B'day wish from amy and some boogie! :D
  5. Mum and dad. I wuv ya~
  6. Sms from my eldest sis, Lyne. Can't remember the sms but lotsa hugs and kisses and some alien language.
  7. Sms from my brother, nuyu. He said "Happy B'day LCD Girl" <-- I find it very funny.
  8. Sms from my best fren, Ajila a.k.a Gojilla. She said: "Hey you! Naughty girl! Happy 27th wait 27th?!..Sure ah! Hahahah..don be mad..Have a great one 2day..cepat2 dapat jodoh..hehe" <--- *smacks. I'm not naughty! :P
  9. B'day wish from my 2nd sis, upu. Very early indeed.
  10. Friendster msg wish from maxer. Thank yew! And to everyone else who I forgot to mention *gomene~ my memories sometimes limited. Especially when I get too excited. I tend to go hyper blur :D hehehehehehhe thank yew so much *huggies. Er and thank yew to anyone who wish to me but I seem to forgot to include. Silly me. TQ! :D


  1. wanted to wish u happy in msn BUT u werent online.. too bz celebrating huh? ;p

    anyways, happy bday again..

  2. aaaahh belated la this i wish u!!!
    have a nice day...

  3. amy..noi!!! my phone line cialat!!!!

  4. heheheheh adididididi haehaeh thank yew justine *hug

  5. hey! happy birthday!

    albeit belated :p

    enjoy turning older... i'll be older nxt week as well..

  6. hehehehe hey thanks. next week? when is that? heheheh :D

    Happy upcoming b'day to you!! :D
