
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Part 1: Creepy Gloomy Weather

somewhat looking like this?

It has been like this for few days. Rain in the morning makes me wanna sleep. Since work starts at 8am and ends at 5pm, I'm getting a bit more demotivated. If only my working hours are filled with work. Hehe~ sad ain't it?

Oooo today's weather way creepy. Very strong wind. Well, I think yesterday also got strong wind, only today somehow it felt really weird and creepy coz somehow it gives me the chills. Very gloomy indeed. No sun. Looks a bit hazing. But I dun think it's haze. Looks more like dark clouds. You know wut's way creepy? Those wind blowing sound. Woosh~ Woosh~ eeeeeee creepy! >_<" Eeeeeee dun flood dun flood. Lemme go home first please please please.

Part 2: When I was bored (AGAIN...)

this is done at random, since i dun haf any specific images to test it on?

Anyone wanna try the tutorial, Click here!


  1. *scratch. i heard of that. but i dunno when hehehe

  2. rum: yupe, it was on monday

    mas: not bad la ur design ( refering to the banner for kitties )

  3. oooooooooo amy it was on monday pulak. baru se tau..tq for the info ehhehehe :D

    eekekekeke well i think it's not gewd enuff. thanks though :D *huggies
