
Monday, September 04, 2006

A friend forwarded me a msg on friendster. Just wanted to share it here (rather than going through all the trouble forwarding to everyone hee :P)

I'm writing this poem to show you I care,
To say thank you for being there.
Best friends we'll always be,
In every problem, it's you and me.

Through thick and thin, I won't go away.
And just the same, I hope you'll stay.
As we go through life, things won't change.
Let's not let our friendship rearrange.

I'll make new friends, and so will you,
But we won't split up like others do.
With our friendship staying strong,
We'll be together right or wrong.

Though we might occasionally have a fight,
We'll always make up by the end of the night.
As my best friend, you mean lots to me,
It's a bond you'll always see.

So, in a jam, no need to worry.
I'll be at your side in a hurry.
I know you're there for me too,
I think you know, I'll be there for you!

In life, friends may come and go.
But, there's a special friend you'll always know.
They are there when you need them.
No questions asked.
Their love is permanent, it will never pass.

They'll always be with you, leave you never.
And that's why we'll be friends forever!
And if for some reason, we are torn apart,
Remember, you'll always be in my heart.

So, thanks for being my friend.
I'll be yours till the end!

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