
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tabby mu's medical file:

the vaccination certificate

1st visit to the clinic: On 1st September 2006 (Friday)
Number of jabs: 2 (for worm)
Cost: RM20.00

2nd visit to the clinic: On 4th September 2006 (Monday)
Number of jabs: 2
Cost: RM5.00

3rd visit to the clinic: On 5th September 2006 (Tuesday)
Number of jabs: 2
Cost: RM5.00

4th visit to the clinic: On 13th September 2006 (Wednesday)
Number of jabs: 1
Cost: RM21.00

Today sent her for vaccination. Next visit will be on 13th October 2006.


  1. wow... do that pet of yours have to have this frequently... poor thing... :P

  2. every month haf to go for vaccination hee~
