
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Actually I haven't finish blogging yesterday. I got till the extent of playing Maple Story till I finish my quest weeeeeeee...Quest: Hitting 999 blue and 999 green mushrooms. >_<" well at least I levelled up!?! Ooo now I'm gonna hit 999 zombie mushroom. Can level up again weeeeeeee... (Noted: No, I'm not an addict? Hello?).

To Jay: I dun care wut u say, I like playing Maple :P

What I had for lunch yesterday. Rice + Chicken + Cucumber thinggies from Sugar Bun.

i was hungry ogie!

I had like bread + fried egg + tomato sauce (coz i dun like maggie brand chili sauce, taste like ewww) + lotsa pepper for breakie. But at 12:30 noon, my bro called me ask whether I wanna join him for pizza at Pizza Hut. Noiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~!!!!! >_<" But why?! Huhuhuhu~ I want but I'm too full *sigh~. Hot sunny day. Too hot! But it rained for a lil while yesterday. But it's still hot!

a view from my office. anyone familiar with this common place? *hiks~


  1. Hm.. Gaya Street. Hehehe. Behind the Sugar Bun, right?

  2. Uwaaaa!!! I know that place!!! I miss that town!!! I want to go baaaaaccckkkk!!!

  3. saifulrizan: indeed hahahah..the most irritating place for parking indeed *hiks~

    haizum: come back!! come back~

  4. er..yakah...i dont remember tht place hahaha...

  5. hahahhahahahahahah zaini..coz u tua liao...memory lost

  6. i remember u took pix from ur office.. bout fire or sumting.. sugarbun plc to hang out... :)
