
Monday, November 06, 2006

I would like to take a lil space in my blog to apologize to people. I'm sorry for not replying or have not been updating anything lately. I'm so so tired. Seriously, it's fun but I'm tired. I was bz and will be bz till 12th of this month. I'm sorry people.

Secondly, I've been having some weird dreams of a certain someone. >_<" freaking shite. I wake up and start wondering everytime I do have those weird dreams. This dream is a bit different from my previous one. This time I think I was hurt badly coz he was with someone else. Ogie sound a bit pathetic. But yeah. I have no idea why I have those kinda dreams. I dun recall having those kinda thoughts though. Hmmm.

Updates on my work. I've been cutting papers all day. Oh my gawd! I'm gonna totally freaked if I cut another paper. My back is killing me! Cutting and standing at the same time for a long time is totally sick! But well at least I finish my work? I laminated some papers, cut papers and did some photostating today. Oooo yes I'm pathetic. But I love having work to do.

I still have to update the company website. Some of the stuff there are totally outdated. Oh my gawd. Well, it's not my fault if nobody give me anything to work with? I would say that I'm totally useless if people dun gimme work to do. Wait, not totally, at least I get to play games at work? Sometimes? >_<"

Ahhhhh I need some sleep!

Poor kitties. I'm sorry kitties. Less time to play with both of ya~


  1. Anonymous12:40 AM

    relaxx...dont work so aint run anywhere ma..its sit there wait for us to collect ma..take some cutting paper? whats your occupation xctually? running own paper factory ka? hehe

  2. zaini, dood, thanks for commenting. er i'm temporary loaned to help with an event bah. totally out of my job scope but it's gewd experience. I dun get paid even. but yeah it's fun to be working than doing nothing at all? oh and btw, i'm an IT officer >_<"

  3. Anonymous12:07 AM

    oic II .. er Im ET..kinda similar la hehehe ok poor joke ..
