
Saturday, November 18, 2006

I've juz fix my new Hitachi 250GB hddisk. So now in total I have roughly less than 530GB of space. Weeeeeeee..yes, my first 250GB is nearly full. It reach to the limit where the free space left is like less than 30GB >_<" wtf?! Wut did I store there? Er, bunch of junks. Now, I'm organizing my files again.

the crowd around noon. more like this bunch of people making too much noise there

Weeee. So, today, went out to Damai to pick up PS2. Share buy with my bro. Then went to Cyber X, Damai for that Maple Event (for more details, click here). A lot of people. Wut did we get? Freebies! Well, I actually didn't wanna register but then I want the postcard. I want the poster and the car sticker!!! >_<" It's the prize for the lucky draw *sigh. Which will be held at 5:30pm? No way we're gonna wait that long? We went off at around 11am coz we're dead hungry. Went back to the place to check out any interesting events. Mostly I think wut they want us to do is to stay there and play. Juz to fill the place up. Make it crowded. Hee~ I prefer playing at home. Well, at least I took some photo? Check out the photos there. Wait, I'll check it out if it's there or I'll post it here. Eeks, juz check the site, hmm my bro only posted like 1 photo >_<" oh well. I'll post my version of photo weeeeee.
this is a shot of me at home. one is mine and the other is my bro's. my house haf a very nice background dun u think? thanks to dad for that. and mind the hair ogie. i'm dead tired and it's bloody hot

I'll be cleaning up my compy now.

Noted: Gewd thing my bro and me are in gewd terms oledi yay~!


  1. hahahaha...videos, mp3s, anime mwahhahahaha..junks...* I got my 1st 250GB Maxtor for RM300...the Hitachi I got it for er RM280...I think weeeeeeeeeeee... :D heahehaeh

  2. cheap HD!!!!!!

    btw, i like the green background! can do some more shoots there with a-super-greeny-background :D

  3. amy...u should come to my house then. the green background is the wall color of my house? hahahahahha *Rofl
