
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

When I Grow Old, Will You Grow Old With Me?

Could his answer be a yes? "hurray!!!" or maybe a no? "boo!!!". *sigh go figure!

I was watching Grey's Anatomy. Today's episode is about Derek and Addison Shepherd's closest friend, Savvy and Weiss (I think) came to them for operation to avoid breast and ovarian cancer. Meanwhile, George can’t understand why a patient who fell five stories doesn’t seem happy to have survived, well actually after he survived he asked George to do him a favour by looking for his ex-girlfriend Daisy, but somehow Daisy didn't wanna have anything to do with that guy and George lied to the guy about seeing her. After that, the guy died at the operating room, means, "no hope for you dood!"; another story is about an elderly gentleman makes a difficult decision upon learning that his wife has only a few months to live; Christina and Burke try to have a “normal” date, and Chief Webber is disappointed by Bailey’s fellowship decision -- until he learns her reasons (she's pregnant).

That kept me thinking. Would I ever gonna find somebody who will spend his lifetime with me? I sound so weird even to say it. *sigh. I doubt it. Even the person I like the most also barely knows that I like him. Or wait, he knows only he dun wanna know? *pfttttt wth I'm thinking about? * la la. This show is making me think too much. I know *sigh.

Must distract myself. Must play maple. Must do something else. Stay bz and keep bz weeeeeeeeeee...

Noted: I'm a bit sleepy and distracted. This is not exactly wut I thought about before I blog. Wut was on my mind earlier was a bit more pathetic. So yeah, maybe I'll edit later. *sigh~ *pfttttttt


  1. *rofl hahahahahhahahah..but it's nice :P

  2. er..we grow old together lah meheh

  3. i dun wanna grow old with u :P mwahahhahaha...

  4. I saw this once back then in Singapore.. (sorry laa.. dont watch toomuch tv program here in Labuan)

    Very good la.. I mean the value of life, funny and all that super recipe to attract people to watch it.

  5. yeap..but at some part it's all about sex and love...hahahahah sick~

  6. hahaha nice wat this grey's anatomy... do u watch HOUSE too...

  7. i owez miss house hahaha...i was lucky to watch grey's anatomy this time hee

  8. I dont know why, maybe it's just me.. but lately Dr House character getting more nasty.. and keras kepala.

    Cliche; save life at the last minute.

  9. hehaehaeh i think it's the age thing hahahah

  10. hahaha... yup.. diff then before.. but still have time watching HOUSE.. haha

  11. yeah..not for me...i seldom watch it. i only wanted to catch ANTM, or any anime I like or Grey's Anatomy only hee~ :)
