
Thursday, January 18, 2007

This is why ppl use auto cars

I have the thought of changing my car. I love driving manual cars but looking at the condition of my leg. *sigh. I'm doubtful. No wonder my bro drives an auto. My mum too. >_<"

Might as well juz endure the pain while I still can. I did some vacuuming last nite. This is because my sis finally moved downstairs yay! Woohohohohohohoho. I know I can be mean at times but I need my space. She ain't giving me space when I need peace and quiet. Poor kitties are scared of vacuum hahahah so cute. You should see how they're terrified of it weeeeeee...I changed my bed covers. I think I wanna get those quilt type again. Uh uh. I love those quilt type of bed covers. Actually I'm thinking of painting my room. The dull white is killing me everyday. I want it to be retro! Hehe.

This morning, I looked at my car and I'm disgusted. It's been awhile since I last wash my car. It's been raining, so, hmm, not such a gewd idea to wash it but I hope I could like get it done this weekend. Hopefully! I watched American Idol Season 6 audition last nite, they only pick 17 people? omg.

Ogie, wut my colleagues are gossiping again? They're talking about bitch's debts again. Ooooh, something funny I heard from the office. Somebody called the office and curse? Wut? Huh? Weird.

I'll be playing Maple now...lvling again


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    It's nice having your own bedroom, more privacy and more stuff to stuff in to mark your territory. haha!

    Hope you leg gets better soon. :)

  2. ahah..your leg very troublesome ah..yea u better get urself auto cars sell to me that kelisa price la hehhe

  3. kelisa? i drive a kenari dood. >_<"

    cindy: most definately..i need my space man

  4. owh hahah..ok i mispelled lah..i cant hardly remember which is which hahah kelisa and kenari err..but kancil sure i can remember gaagaga

  5. hahaha easy...kelisa is almost mini and kenari is er kotak hahahahah *rofl

  6. yeah..the moving washing machine is it massy hahahah

  7. hahahhahaha...stewped comments? lil one ur comments aren't stewped...more er sarcastic hahahahah *rofl

  8. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I prefer manual car. kekeke

  9. Anonymous3:37 PM

    still having trouble with your leg?

    How come no updates? :P

  10. Hey massy!

    You'r going to purchase an auto car eh? Hope you'll buy a really good one, one that speeds 180 kmph, haha! Kidding!

    Retro eh? that's a really cool theme! I wanted to decoarte with that theme too, but it's unfortunate that I don't have the energy to do so, haha! Maybe I'm too lazy to...

    All the best with your leg, auto car and room!

    Cheers, Hui Wen

  11. cindy: leg is fine with medicine...without it, hmm ada rasa kana cucuk...i was gonna update it yesterday tapi under maintenance terus malas sampai la malam...

    huiwen: first i need to propose to my dad why i need an auto car >_<" it's gonna be hard...yeah the retro theme...i thought of it...but i wonder how am i gonna do it...coz my room is filled with junks >_<"
