
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Something nice to share

I'll blame rob-jr a.k.a acing for this.

Go to slightly near the end, there's a song. I wanna know whose song is that, if anyone knows. Onegai~

And the video is cute ^.^ But the music woo~~ I want!!! I've been searching high and low but I dunno who sang this. Woo~

Anyways, I was watching season finale of Ed. Yes, stuckyville! The ending where Ed finally decides on Carol is nice. Coz he was doubtful and he decided on Frankie but when he looked for Carol, he can't find her, every place he went, gewd and bad memories, he thought that he might love for how she looked like in 9th Grade, but finally he realized that he's really in love with her. Yes u can go "awww" now.

And another thing I wanted to share is, the movie "In Her Shoes". I've been wanting to watch this. It's great! Well for me. For anybody else, different taste, I can't really say. Anyways, juz wanted to share the poem by E.E. Cumming. Correct me if I'm wrong ogie.

Anyways, the title I think is "I Carry Your Heart With Me"

I carry your heart with me
I carry it in my heart
I am never without it
Anywhere I go you go, my dear
And whatever is done
By only me is your doing, my darling

I fear no fate
For you are my fate, my sweet
I want no world
For beautiful you are my world, my true
And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
And the sky of the sky of a tree called life
Which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart
I carry it in my heart


  1. owh..haha...funny video :P its cynical tho' hehe

    and thts really a poem..i just cant understand it hehe

  2. Hey Massy!

    Wouldn't it be nice if your loved one sings the song 'I Carry Your Heart With Me' in tune with sincere eyes?

    I find the lyrics very touching, and since my poor running nose is going to get worse from all these 'awww' moments, I better stop 'aww-ing', haha! Love the video very much! Thanks for posting it...

    Cheers, Hui Wen

  3. zaini: i only liked the last part of the video hahahahaa

    huiwen: yeah, it would be nice. glad ya enjoyed it XD

  4. I like.

    *loooong sigh*

  5. XD dun blame me pls kekekeke XD

  6. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Oohhh.. I watched that movie 'In Her Shoes' when I was back in Sabah last year. Not bad lah, the movie. I actually cried a bit. LOL.

    Ed finally decides to be with Carol? Wow.. I missed a lot of that show already. No time to watch on Astro and couldn't be bothered to buy the DVD as well. :P Nice to know the end.. or sort of. Hehe.

  7. cin: actually i dun follow much of Ed. coz most of it are quite depressing coz nothing interesting..anyways yeah, he finally decides on carol and the ending is so great~ XD
