
Monday, March 05, 2007

Ogie, so imagine this. I uploaded 21 photos. The ones I think are the best out of my collection. There's more actually but picking it one by one is terrible. Anyways, that's not my main point. Ogie, so out of 21 photos. Only 10 got accepted X( and the other 11 were rejected becoz of blurness, too many ppl had already submitted the same thing or over exposure or wut's the other reason, hmm I forgot. But yeah. That sucks~ X(

And wut sucks the most, nobody viewed it yet. How could one find my photos if there's so many great photos there? Woo~~~ So de-motivated. (*in the background, kasi senang ati, "there there, it takes time" NOT!)

I must get better shots!!! Hmm..woo~


  1. At least half made it through...

  2. Click your pictures selected, and try to find the html coding there.

    Post the code to your blog, forum's signature, and email (perhaps).

    Good luck.

    *Dont give up now. I've started earning a week after I joined Fotolia. There's so many competitor out there.

  3. html coding? oh, i'll try to find..if i can't find then i'll need help XD

  4. since it's already uploaded to the database, try to key in the keyword of your picture in the Search Button.

    If the result appears to be your picture, click the picture, and you'll see the description, keywords and all that in a new page. On your right, a little bit bottom, there's two codes.

    One start with a href : //bla bla blab.

    The other one just a http:// link.

    Use that.

  5. To make it easy, just key in your username in the search button. eg. sr215.

    All your uploaded pictures will be viible by now, and start from there.

  6. done dat...but only show 1 photo >_< adei
