
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wut Tuesday Is Like

While listening to Sophie Ellis Bextor, I'm thinking of wut I was about to blog this morning. Something not very important. Thinking wut I do or did everyday. It felt like I'm running in a circle.

Ogie, this is wut I did. Wake up, pet my cats, check CSP ( for last post. Check whether there's anything interesting. Go to my blog, check for comments, go to other ppl's blogs, yes the ones in my list. If I got time I'll read it, if not I'll read it when I'm at work. If I could, I leave a comment, which seldom happen coz I normally will be running a bit late to work as usual coz I was too distracted to reading the blog posts.

Wut do u do everyday? Tell me, I'm curious.

Anyways, today, pick my sis up at 5pm. She said give her 20 mins, so I waited. And waited, and waited till it's 5:45pm. She said she was trying to finish up the printing but yeah. I hate waiting. But I wasn't in a really bad mood. So, it's fine. Went to Wisma Merdeka. Walked around looking for the pants I wanted. Couldn't find it. *sigh. I only saw really short ones of different color or skirts or shirts only. Oh well. But I manage to get a 3 quarter black & white kind. Cost me RM40. I took some shots of myself wearing it. But yeah, my pose were a bit ackward. So, guess I'll be retaking em. Damn, I'm not those natural models seriously hahahahah XD and I look fat! I need to exercise and diet uhuhu~

But maybe I'll post partial part image? Meaning the pants only. Hahhahaha XD

I know my tummy is sticking out..shuddup man~

I want like the one in my previous post!!! Woo~~ *cries

Oh, btw, I actually saw this kewl cute fluffy hat. But *uhuk~ being cute is so not me..sollie to dissapoint everyone mwahhaha. But I'm the *uhuk~ rugged and kewl type *uhuk~ perasan~


  1. Hey Massy!

    Not all models are super-thin. In fact, anorexic models are banned form the catwalk these days. And there're plus-sized models....

    I can't see your buldging tummy, Massy. I think I'm blind, haha.

    Cheers, Hui Wen

  2. wooo...nice pants! do they have it in white??? And if you're a American's Next Top Model addict like me you'll notice that cycle 8 have 2 plus-sized models competing!...i'm a blog

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Neat pants! :D RM40? Hmm.. not too bad also la..

    Hey, if you think you're fat.. then I must be obese. LOL!

  4. huiwen: *uhuk uhuk~ it's all covered with black mwahahhaha XD

    lucy: no, it's the last one from that shop, so hard to find, i saw got in green but for guys, no red huhu, *sob sob, got others but a bit too short for me huhu

    cin: *uhuk~ yeah it's on sale. RM79 original price *uhuk..*lol hahahahaha..cin u're not fat XD hahahahahahaha..i am fat *uhuk~ need to cut down fewd
