
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Saturday Lunch Outing

I better blog before I start doing my portfolio again. Which wut happened yesterday. I came back from my lunch outing at around 3pm and start compiling my photos again. I had to recreate the photo preview page which consist 3 different ways of viewing the photos (thumbnail, fullview and original size). Took me hours to arrange it. And I only completed 2 categories which is about 30 over pages omg! *faints~ Oh, I stop at around 2am-ish and I still can't sleep.

To lunch
I planned to go lunch at Nok Thai, Damai, coz it's been awhile since I went there. Didn't get to eat breakfast coz I had to send my eldest sis to the Kolombong bus stop. I dun haf enuff time to send her to her office. Well so, I went off at around 11:30am, I think, and guess who block my road this time? *pfttttt.

They took 30-40 frigging minutes to get this thing

to this

which look something like this. *sigh~

It's either this or u get stewped dumb lorries blocking ur road. Adei~ Got off at nearly 12. Dropped my sis at the bus stop, drove like a freaking lunatic. Pick acing up at his work place and off we go to Nok Thai, Damai. Oh, btw, if u guys dunno where this place is, it's somewhere near the Damai Toy Shop thinggie?

Set lunch cost around RM8.80++

Set A - fried rice with salted fish + tom yam soup + fried baby kailan with garlic + fried taugeh (i mean bean sprout) + cendol

Set C - fried rice with salted fish + tom yam soup + honey chicken + mango dish + cendol

fried rice
tomyam soup

baby kailan

bean sprout

honey chicken thinggie?

We actually waited for Amy and Ali for half an hour coz didn't realize that we're early. Opps~ XD

Ack~ sorry, forgot to take a shot of the cendol. My bad~ XD

While waiting for our fewd, I took some shots of everyone except me kekekek. Ogie, why guys dun like to take photo one? *cough.

as usual, acing can't pretend the camera is not there *hiks

ali is sick, look at his face *cough

amy looking super cute that day

And finally a group pix. *cough I looked erm messy hahahahahah. Seriously need a haircut. Maybe I should go bald like britney hahahahah*listening: Laura Veirs


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    if you don't mind me saying .. you'd look good with short hair! and easy to manage too!

    i still don't get it ... how can people block access to a public road like that?? how can they get away with it? it boggles the mind!

  2. anonymous: yeah i actually tot of cutting my hair short...short as in front long layered and back short *cough er not so much of shoulder length hmm..*thinks...

    i dunno, those stewped ppl owez do dat...i'm labelled as the rude/mean girl who lives around this area * those ppl obviously coz one of the dood at the workshop told my mum i was mean *cough

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    mean??? as in "reporting" them to city by-law? the police? and issuing them citations???? sometimes when it affects their pockets they'd change!!

  4. wakkakakaka...gonna send some photos then XD

    the road to my house is totally screwed man

  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I swear that road to your house looked familiar!!! .. I just can't remember where. ;P I think I got lost there once while trying to bring my dad for a joyride. Hahaha!

    Hey, maybe you really should go for a bob haircut! Accessorize yourself with a black, plastic-framed glasses (I saw a nice one from CHANEL!) and you'd definitely look HAWT! :D

    Ahh.. sedapnya those foods, especially the honey chicken. :D Nasib baik I just had my dinner. Hehe!

  6. hahahahhahaha cindy can't see fewd XD kekeke...later gonna blog about fewd again wakkakaka..

    black framed? er u mean like those nerd look? i had those going before till it broke in 2 >_< woo~~~my fav i got another one..but uncomfortable...weird..dunno y i bought it in the first place adei..kuyak~ kekekeke

  7. the lorry tying to imitate the Transformers thingy.. you know....

  8. hahahhaha mmg mo kena lepuk...

    we're reporting it coz my sis was late for work becoz of it
