
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Bro...

It's my bro's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You're older by the day and I'm younger mwahhaha. Ogie, fine, kidding.

He's 2 years younger than me btw. Oh, if those ppl dunno who my brother is. He's one of the "important" person in

Today's birthday dinner, we went to Windbell steamboat again yes. I could say it's a full house. The fewd gone like the wind. So fast finish. I didn't even get dessert yet.

We bought Carrot & Nut cake? from Strawberry. Tasty! XD He's a shot of the cake.

And a family photo. Yes, am a bit woozy, so I think it affected some of the photos ^^;


  1. Birthdays are great, but I never seemed to enjoy mine. It's not that I'm getting older, it's just that I don't like it when people wish me in a very fake manner... And that totally pisses me off!

    Happy Belated to your bro!

  2. Thanks huiwen...omg..dat's juz sad... XD

    I prefer not blowing the candles..i suck at it XD i think XD
