
Saturday, June 23, 2007

What's Up?

Lemme see, this is wut I had yesterday for breakfast

And chocolate cupcake for er tea time? XD

Mum and bro went to have their hair cut. I didn't wanna cut there. Didn't like the place. Well I cut there before but they screwed my hair. So, yeah. I'm very er picky. XD Need haircut! Need haircut!

New shot I took earlier today. Was playing with color accent er...i think i pick color wrongly opps. I was in a hurry coz mum was rushing me XD

Other than dat, haven't been doing much stuff lately. Been lazing around and eating omg~ T_T help!


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    What's that on the first picture? Kentang goreng?? O.o

    The cupcake looked super chocolaty! Wahhh.. :D

  2. I like the sofa shot... very artistic :)

  3. cin: opps, sorry i forgot to mention..the 1st shot is hashbrown and chicken nugget actually XD my bad. Yes, chocolate cupcakes are free, coz got meeting at my office last friday. so we sneak out those chocolate cakes mwahahhahaha! XD anyways, the turn off for this chocolate cake, they got raisins inside, lotsa em, eeeeeeee. i no like mix of raisins in em. this is why i dun like fruit cake XD

    cuzzie: thanks *huggies XD

  4. Anonymous5:39 AM

    alamak.. like the shot on the sofa lah... u really creative :P

  5. Love the colour and the vibe of the photo! *two thumbs up* If only there's a model in white posing there... it would look like a really interesting fashion shoot!
