
Sunday, July 01, 2007

Combined Post

I tried this Chocolate Cheesecake from Restoran Sri Pinang, and I gotta say, it's such a turn off coz there's actually 3 layer. 1st layer is the chocolate, as u can see from the photo, 2nd layer is the cheese layer, which is fine and the final layer, *sigh, u couldn't guess it, is coconut?! Urgh, I feel like vomitting it all out. It cost RM2.50. I think retail price is RM3? Hmm no idea.

Then yesterday I was making this. Omg. I juz realized that I had too much to eat lately. Wait, more like too much cheese? No wonder I feel slightly gained. *cough. Yes, the word is fat I know XD

Oh for those who's going to the KK Blogger's Meet? I'll be there too ^^; *paranoid~ No worries, Amy gonna go oso ^^; *sweats~ Mas need some slapping so will snap out of paranoia XD I'm not gewd with miggling. *gulp~

There's a Food and Catering Exhibition thing going on at Sabah Trade Centre, me and my 2nd sis followed my dad. You get free ice cream and free drinks XD (great~ I'm coughing now). My sis bought "sake" from Wagamama. Wait more like my dad paid for it. 1st time "sake" for me *cough. O.O to me, it kinda reminds me of JD or Vodka O.O but somehow and it's bitter, to me that is XD. *cough. Oh btw, this exhibition will end today if I'm not mistaken.

Had some salmon sushi too. Opps, forgot to take shots of it. My bad.

Look at mimi? This was her when she's tired. Try having her hyper. She'll be running around like crazy. I should cut her nails!!!! It's cold and every now and then I'll be putting on stockings. Mimi seems to hate/like stockings? She'll be biting the stockings I'm wearing. This is why, never to tie an old stockings to a ribbon and let em play -_-" (I blame my sis for this).

does my leg look like a pillow to u?! O.O

The other mimi is still pregnant.

Mum woke me up at 8am this morning, juz to gimme the main door key. Certainly did woke me up. Why u think I'm blogging now? They're going off to a trip. *tsk~ I'll be sending my sis to work and picking her up from work starting monday. *tsk~ Will be going to work early *tsk~

Oh btw, somebody from the forum recommended Eisley. I lurve! XD I can play it in my head great! XD This is wut happen if I really lurve it. I put em in my handphone too. Oh nois~ I'm going nuts. Personal fav would be, I Wasn't Prepared, My Lovely, Lost At Sea, One Day I Floated Away. Ogie fine! I love every single song there is in this album XD

Can't wait to get a taste of the new album. I wonder hmmm.


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Eh, how come you gotta fetch your sis? She doesn't drive, is it?

    Hehehhe.. sake. I haven't tried that one yet. :P

  2. cin: coz my parents are out of town and yes, both my sis can't drive ^^;

    sad isn't it?

    i dun really like it..i mean sake. too strong XD

  3. Cuz... nice signature! I like ...ekekekek... wait i copy cat... but i think i put icon... but will do so super later on.... dragging feet. :)

    Nice dessert...
