
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Life Progress

I was still sick yesterday, but I promised my sis that I would send her to Beverly Hills for her SEPA meeting. Yes, driving with wooziness. At some point, I actually asked her to stop talking coz it's giving me a headache. And I'm bad tempered if the headache kicks in. XD My bad.

We reached there at about 1pm. We could have reached there early if my sis would get ready earlier. Hmm. I remember telling her that we're going off at 12:30 noon hmm. She's becoming like the other "datin" (my eldest sis) oledi. Very slow at getting ready omg~ *cough.

The meeting was held at this place called "Lily of the Valley" or something like that. Couldn't quite remember. We thought that the ppl there haven't arrive. So, my sis asked me to get consultation about my skin. In this case, my face *cough cough. Yes, I need serious help XD

I dun have smooth skin like my 2nd sis hehe. That's coz I dun take care of my face like she did *cough lalala~ And obviously I was told that my pores are wide open, I got pimple problems (well not as bad when I was at KL obviously), blackheads and whiteheads. Eek! Anyways, leave that be then. It's quarter to 1 and I think my sis finally went to the meeting coz ppl actually started the meeting oledi. Aiyo. We thought everyone's late *cough.

So, I waited for her while going through old magazines. Gawd, I'm woozy and I'm bored. And I'm hot! Need air. *faints. I forgot wut time they finish their meeting but I was too lazy to go anywhere so we went home. On the way back, there's this er van in front of us, the driver and the passenger was throwing stuff from their window. My sis took a shot of the van. I'm not sure wut's the outcome of the photo.

We dropped by at KFC to get something to eat. Well, more like to take away. And me as usual, would be cursing at some stewped drivers who dunno how to park their car. XD I'm not a perfectionist but I hate anything that's troublesome XD

I was waiting for my parents to come home last nite. But I went to bed early.

This morning I woke up at around 7am juz to check if my parents came back already or not heheh. Oh, I forgot to mention. They were away to Vietnam for a week. Such torture I had to wake up early to send my sis to work. *cough. Urgh~ Yay! No need to send oledi yay! XD

And yes, I want gifts! I want em I want em! I hate it when my sis owez get the gewd stuff before me T_T It's so unfair.

Anyways, I was checking on mimi's lil bb. One died. T_T tsk tsk. It's her first time, I think she was having a hard time taking care of em too. T_T I'm so sad.

Isk. My parents not up yet. I want my gifts XD


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    At times like this, don't you wish you have your own personal assistant to do the driving, tahpauing food, massage kaki.. etc. LOL!

    Get well soon, Mas. What did you get from your parents? :P

  2. yes T_T i want a personal assistant XD

    my bro is also sick..he went to that 7k run with his gf at sutera harbour yesterday. >.> must stay away from him..i think 1 house now, everyone sick omg~ must stay away.
