
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Life Progress

Amy called me for lunch. We went to Kopikat at Asia City Complex. She ordered "Chicken Chop with Rice"

And mine is "Fish Fillet with Fries"

But guess wut? I'm still hungry T_T Wanted to get some shots of the entrance but got ppl, so lazy XD Maybe I'll do it next time.

My whole day at work has been boring. I was mapuring alone. Way boring. I stopped and browse through blogs and forum XD

At around 20 mins before 5pm. The auntie cleaner ask me to look outside coz the clouds look very nice. Yes, here I took a shot of it. XD I likey~ and yes it's cloudy. It looks like it's gonna rain again. Must go home. FAST!


  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Ohhh.. I am SO hungry right now!

  2. XD i know u gonna say that hehe
