
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

On and Off Blogging

I'll be taking some time off from blogging to finish reading "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". My fren loaned me the book. No, I dun like reading (prefer comics), but this is optional since I was curious of the spoilers from CSP forum. Thanks Mars. Will try to finish reading this book and return to u. XD

And I'm a slow reader, so, this gonna take time. I juz finish chapter 1 XD Definately different from the movies XD wish me luck!


  1. You haven't read it?! *gasp*

    But what am I saying. I haven't read the last book yet. No funds to get it. *chuckle*

    Have to wait la awhile.

  2. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Have fun! :D

  3. Aiyahh.. why read the book after watching the movie? But again, maybe better like that kan?? Well, have fun then! I want the new one! :(

  4. acom: wakkakaka no haven't read it..ppl think i should XD i think my fren has the new one oso, maybe can borrow that one after she finish hohohoho XD *evil

    cin: tq tq XD

    syura: yeawor..kesian kan XD >.> i'm like reading and comparing. punya different.

  5. Anonymous11:05 AM

    sana sini Harry Potter... aduh.. sia blum tinguk last episode lagi.. apalagi dis... aduhhhhhh..
    sedih betul woh... :(

  6. How lucky! I have not read the final book, and strangely, I realised that I have more interest in upcoming photoshoots than reading this over-hyped book, which would answer all the questions posed in the previous books. =)

  7. oh man..i'll be taking a very long time to read..slow reader XD

  8. How're you finding the book? Best? I can read Harry Potter again n again. Would love to get the new book but like Haizum, hehehe.. no funds yet. All funds at the time being going to the baby no.2.

    Mau tinguk the latest movie pun no one wants to go with me. :(

