
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Revisiting my dA

Yes, I've abandoned my dA page for quite awhile now. All I do is check for new deviation, reply comments, say thanks to ppl for adding my photo as their fav and that's about it.

While organizing my 14.2GB folder of photos, I stumble upon some which I think needed to be shared. So I did. And uploaded at my dA page. Finally. Since I know some ppl might be lazy to go there, I decided to post it here XD

I'll edit this post if I added more photos XD


Edited: Terpesong post sikijap XD

It's her play time. Hoi~ 11pm oledi dis. Go sleep mimi!!! ^^;


  1. wah.. Hitler so cute!

  2. her name is mimi *cough..

    yes, she wants attention, dat's why sit in front of me...she was looking at me when i shoot her XD sporting butul

  3. yaa.. geramnya tinguk..

    lepas I culik georgie from Saiful, then I culik hitler from you.. hehehehehe..

    "now you see 'em, now you don't!"

  4. O.O noiiiiii...kita culik saiful punya kucing XD mwahahhaha...

    yerrrrrr my cat's name not hitler..

    they're both mimi XD

  5. LOL! Sorry.. mimi it is, then!! ;)

  6. Wuhh! c Mimi haa.. yg satu agi sapa? yg mcm misai hitam hitler tu? black + white colour combination ha, memang cute!

  7. ishak: actually both are mimi...XD the previous owner name calls 3 of them mimi..their brother was adopted by another fren. XD
