
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Less Than A Week

I'm gonna do some explaining again. I didn't/couldn't blog or read ppl's posts coz of the major suckness coming from our service provider *sigh. I wanna curse em everyday becoz of it. -_- I end up refreshing all my pages till I gave up and watch tv instead. Well, not quite everything also, since I've been watching some tv series and anime. Ahh, yes, I'm missing out on the anime NANA which I love so much. Reason for not being able to watch this is coz my bro didn't wanna continue dl the ep coz he think dat Hachi is a bit slutty *cough. Lucky for online anime page, I manage to nearly finish watching it. *sigh~ I even cried in between. I know I know, I'm a cry baby *tsk~

Btw, we had dinner outside yesterday at Inanam Restaurant and Cafe. Omg~ I so love the fish. Anyways, I raved about it already so u guys can see it at my sidebar there's actually a list of fewd. But I would be uploading it here oso.

tom yam soup for my bro, RM6

corn soup for everyone else, RM8

deep fried "ikan putih", RM28, inda sukup ni

fried "sayur manis" with garlic, RM8, inda sukup garlic

ginger chicken with spring onions, RM10

I'm so not gonna complain about the fewd XD

I'm getting my NDSL next week, oh wait, most probably it's tomorrow! YAY! I wanted a red one but *sigh~ in the end I'm getting the light blue one. Dun ask~ I got something in mind~! You ppl juz have to wait and see XD

Oh, btw, I won't be around during raya. I'll be visiting some relatives in Tawau. -_-" expect family dinner *urk~ awkward~ I wonder how am I gonna take photo of each fewd when I'm there. Omg~ Ppl are so gonna be annoyed *hiks~ Oh, and guess wut? I told both my mum and my 2nd sis to sit next to me during family dinner. I'll be paranoid if anyone else sits next to me. And another reason for dat is, hehe, so I could gossip with my 2nd sis mwahhaha. I hope my bro will take gewd care of my 2 mimis when I'm not around. I'm sure gonna miss them a lot. T_T mimi, and hope my bro's gf won't catnap them when I'm away *cough kidding~ XD

Till then, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri everyone! XD


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    sa rasa sadap oooh argh sa mau g makan tulung

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    wah, this is what i call good food. slurp.. nanti sia cari itu restoran

  3. lol..i make ppl hungry all the time XD gewddie XD

    kekekekek go jaxon...sadap oh XD

  4. Ahhh, sayur manis + garlic= BEST!!

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    i wanna see ur ravejoint but the system is down for maintenance! arrghhh... im hungry... :( help massyyy... uhuksss... *sob sob*

    *i wish... many many MANY foods will come to my table rite now (coz it's impossible to fall down from the sky and i wudnt be able to catch any coz im inside the building)*

  6. Man the food looks mouth watering (*imagine saliva drooling from mouth here*) LOL!

  7. na-o kekekeke i know how u feel T_T
    come lemme go to ur shop and eat then rave about it mwahhaha XD

    nick: kekeke omg i so not gonna imagine dat.. :P
