
Friday, October 19, 2007

My Trip to Tawau (Last)

The initial plan was to wake up and get breakfast early so that I could get some shots from the swimming pool area. But I end up waking up at 6am *hiks~ And as usual my eldest sis is the last one to wake up. Hence, the blaming *cough.

I heard the whole Tawau no electricity that morning? O.O har?

Had breakfast at around 7am. We had fried mee, fried eggs and homemade bread. Ogie, this part I gotta apologize coz ehehe I forgot to take photo. ^^;;

We were given passion fruit and bought some dragonfruit. Imagine the bags getting heavy *cough.

got lotsa orchids there too

Going to the pool area O.O"" omg~ major exercise going on *cough XD Talking about steep. OMG! *catches breath. Huu~~ haa~~~ Lucky mum didn't join us, I dun think she can make the stairs hehe.

the bridge a.k.a minor jambatan gantung. ^^; mas no likey shakey bridge

the river

Now, this is the problem. Going up. *sigh~ *faints~ *breathe~

We with the 2 tourist went to the airport together since our flight is around the same time. The only difference is, we're going back to KK and they're going to KL. We went off at before 9:30am I think, dad wanted to stop by at the mosque to take photo. Yes, wanna know wut's so wonderful about this particular mosque.

Look at it! I'm dissapointed coz I didn't get to shoot it. Actually my dad asked me to take photos of it but I couldn't get out. -_-" sit at the wrong place, hard for me to go out T_T uhuhu~ I'm so going back to this place. So I can get tons of shot of this mosque.

Facts: The rocks are from the river. Interesting isn't it?

Express boarding is so much fun! XD Anyways, since we can't take photo at the airport. I take inside the plane, mwahahhaha! XD

I'm seriously feeling a bit F now. Wait, not a bit. I'm offended when my colleague said I look a bit chubby. Noiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! I feel like chubbers >.>" I wanna start on a diet and start jogging! HUH! Bersemangat ni! T_T But first, today go eat pizza first, next week the starvation begins!

Hope ya ppl enjoyed reading my messy blog post hehe XD I'll try to upload some other shots I took at my photo blog or something XD if rajin la hehe


  1. ur bags getting heavier so meaning byk passionfruit kan?GIMME!!GIMME!!i love passionfruit!!hehe

  2. ur bags getting heavier so meaning byk passionfruit kan?GIMME!!GIMME!!i love passionfruit!!hehe

  3. whahahhahaha XD

    i'll check mana pg tu passion fruit...


  4. at last...Trilogy!!

  5. Anonymous12:54 AM

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  6. wei...wat is F feeling? abis suda ka nie post *tehehe...

  7. zaini: F is fat hahahah XD

  8. Anonymous11:51 AM

    i know where the passion fruits pgi!!! hahaha... passion fruit = markisa kahhh????? i've been forgetting bout this fruit la. mcm extinct sudah. kekeke... still got kah this fruit sini kk??? i want!!! i want to try sth else for my smoothies. Oh ya massy, u want to lose weight? I give u my "lose weight / gain weight juice". hehe... I drink it to gain weight. U can drink it to lose weight too!

  9. wahh... u had a pretty nice time in tawau.... :D

  10. na-o: lose weight juice? wut kinda juice are we talking here? XD

    amy: yeap yeap XD super fun hehe
