
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Spending time with reading blog posts

I took nearly 2 hours to finish reading roughly everyone's blog. Some I wanted to comment but error, can't post comment, terus malas. Didn't wanna try it again. Some, I dun feel like commenting (I dunno wut to comment). Some I did comment ah XD

I went through some of the blogs post from oso.

I feel like eating onsentamago, but with the weather, I dun feel like going out. Yes, I know I'm at work. I mean after work la. I wanted to go shopping but gawd, I'm juz too lazy. Unless if somebody drive me weeeeeeee XD

Till the next blog post hmm.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Trying to post comments is the one thing that Blogger is weak at. I'm still not moving to Wordpress yet, as Blogger's interface is one that I grew up and most familiar with.

  2. thanks for the visit, I've already format my computer this morning. Loads of back up of my photos.

  3. hangmen: i got no problem with blogger but sometimes the line also plays a role in making some browser suck. XD

    lance: wuah, ogie sudah ka ur pc..get those AVG from kekeke protect ur pc..i hate it when the hddisk fails...happened before, i had to reformat my 2nd hddisk and when i tried using my main hddisk, ogie pulak..budu budu tu hddisk..malas se..but i must at least back up my important photos like trip photos XD

    oh that reminds me...i should organize my insect photos and burn it! XD

  4. hangmen: true. i was thinking of wordpress also but then sayang la my blog.

  5. oh so dori u wanna switch to wordpress oso ah? hmmm...

    i haf wordpress but i'm still stuck with this one..i haf over 400 post oh here

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I think you can import your entries to wordpress.

  7. ahhh gewd to know..but i won't be doing that XD
