
Friday, November 30, 2007


I'm gonna start off by saying mwahhahahah I'm top spammer in CSP!!!! XD And I'm proud of it. *sot~

2nd of all, I've been printing, folding and cutting fliers since morning. The morning part was fun. The evening part was stressful. I feel pain on my right arm. ^^;;

I actually cut over 208 A4 paper. Which leaves us with 416 pcs of flier to give away *cough. Yay~ yes I sound happy (NOT!)

Meanwhile, my sis asked me to post mimi's babies. So, here. They like to pile up when they're sleeping. Weird ^^;; 2 male and 2 female. All no names yet. 2 got mustache. 1 white XD Enjoy!


  1. Masss, sia mau satu. Ko jual ka? Brapa satu? Cuteeeeee... I love the tiny moustache, just like mommy dia! Hehehe

  2. i was thinking of snapping some photo at hobbycon 2007 at 8 dec but got some photo session. see la if i can made it after that or at 9 dec.

  3. nessa: o.O nooooo...they're all mine! XD kekeke *mas tamak~ kekeke..u can pet em sija *uhuk uhuk~ XD

    jefferi: lai lai...snap photo snap photo.. XD we haf dance performance and MTG competition on the 9th..on the 8th is mostly PIU.. the more the merrier XD

  4. Aisey... bah kalau begitu, tolong gambar si kecil sama si ibu, yang dua2 ada misai kio:)

    Sia gerigitan btul nampak tu kitten... what its name?

  5. Ming miiiiin!!! :D

  6. nessa: dun haf name yet >_< help me name em XD btw, 1 misai is male eldest, 2nd is maybe the white ada spot is male (ini mmg curious habis), 3rd is si lembik female and the last one is female got misai oso XD

    acom: ming min?

  7. OMG that kitten looked like Hitler!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH!

  8. cin: *giggle *rofl XD excitednya dia XD

  9. Eeeee... they all have kumis like MiMi!!!! Brapa jantan brapa betina tu??

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    ur tangan masih sakit kah? mahu sya tolong sayang? :D

    kekekekeke XD

  11. syura: 3 bermisai, 1 putih ada tompok itam..2 male 2 female..i need names XD

    lee: er i'm fine tq :P
