
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My choker collection

I really really really love chokers/pendant that are unique XD

  1. This is made out of fish bone. I bought this from Thailand.
  2. Celtic design - Triquetra (stainless steel), I had this since during my college years. Roughly maybe around 1999? I had to change the string 3 - 4 times. Coz sometimes I'm too lazy to take it off XD Nowadays, I took good care of it. I bought this at Sunway Pyramid for around less than RM25 I think.
  3. I bought this yesterday for RM16 mwahhahaha. Juz the pendant and it's stainless steel nyahahha. As usual I had to make my own string. But it was worth it coz if ask ppl to help me make, sure inda ngam one.
  4. This is a bull's horn. I think. My parents bought this for me years back from Darwin.
I got few others but without string coz I had to cut them off coz it was way too long and ugly XD

Till my next entry XD


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    waa.. i like like like the 2nd pnya...

  2. ahh the triquetra..i had that for a very long time me some of urs XD

  3. aik? emas teda ka mas? huhuh... biasanya korang pakai emas bah tue..berjela-jela emas dari hujung kaki sampai ujung rambut hhahh...

  4. emas ada banyak di kadai..

    x kuasa mo pakai emas..nanti kena ragut!

  5. wahhh.. so many! well now i know what to get for you whenever your birthday or anything.. :D

  6. wahahhaha XD easy kan XD

  7. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Oooo a fan of choker! :D Ya, like Syura said, for your birthday or something, it's easier for us to think of WHAT to give you. :P

  8. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Uh, i like them all! Got to get myself a few more pendants and make the strings myself. The one i have now isn't exactly a choker, more of a necklace and it doesn't look nice with all the clothes i have.

    Where or how do you make your own string? Are they like the rubbery kind or the string kind? Oh, and how do you connect the ends together? Can you buy the metally connector thingys?


    p.s. Notes down: Buy more pendants.

  9. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Uh, i like them all! Got to get myself a few more pendants and make the strings myself. The one i have now isn't exactly a choker, more of a necklace and it doesn't look nice with all the clothes i have.

    Where or how do you make your own string? Are they like the rubbery kind or the string kind? Oh, and how do you connect the ends together? Can you buy the metally connector thingys?


    p.s. Notes down: Buy more pendants.

  10. usws: actually u can get those strings from craft shop. this one i bought from cps. the connector oso u can get it from there. it's easy really. u juz measure the string up, then use playar, in my case i use scissor, which is why a bit hard, but i manage, to join both ends together XD and wala~

    easy one..oh and the string is not the rubbery kind, i bought the leather kind XD
