
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I is tagged

I is tagged by acom. Sorry, I is forgot about this.

It's a short one so I'm fine with it.
  1. I love to eat: fish! I is cat XD
  2. I hate to eat: non crunchy vege hehe
  3. I love to go on: holiday!
  4. I hate to go on: driving with retard drivers around
  5. I love it when: it rains. Ogie, no lah, when I found something nice to take photo of
  6. I hate it when: my cats hate me T_T
  7. I love to see: green
  8. I hate to see: people argue
  9. I love to hear: gewd music yes acom it is nice to hear gewd music. indies is my genre XD
  10. I hate to hear: people who talk big @_@ habuk tarak~
I'm not gonna tag ppl, since I'm a gewd person *cough cough XD


  1. I love fish too!! I bought a plastic full of fishes last week and I have been eating fried fish for the past 4 days. My housemate also bosan oledi makan ikan goreng hari-hari.. they called for Pizza Hut last night. LOL!

  2. cindy!!!!!! i miss u! XD

    wuah, i had pizza hut yesterday XD hahahahah

    omg, i wan fish fried with asam jawa sedap gila eh XD *drools~ gahh it's making me hungry!

  3. Urmm, how would you know your cats hate you? Mesti kena cakar ni kan... hehe

    The only fish I could eat is ikan bawal. I just can't swallow fresh water fish... bau hanyir la.

  4. nessa: T_T coz they ignored me T_T
