
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Voice Acting

So I end up sleeping for 4 hours today @_@ I seem to be very blur. I guess plus medicine it makes me feel a bit terrible. Coz I dun think I'm able to remember anything ppl said @_@ well roughly speaking.

Anyways, yeah, the plan was to jog on Sunday. But since my sis canceled it, I end up sleeping for 4 hours coz she bug me. @_@ asked me whether I wanted to follow her and mum to Gaya Street. Like hello?! @_@ I'm sleepy ogie. I followed my bro to Mindslaver, KAC today. Well actually I'm suppose to be blogging and resting on Sunday. Well, wut can I say, Sunday is my lazy day. I get very very I mean VERY lazy on Sunday. I would prefer stay at home man. Seriously!

Some might enjoy this, KEEP IT TO URSELF!. NOT MY FAULT! He willingly one ah!

Enuff of dat. I didn't document/take photo of the D&D session. @_@ Yes, something must be really wrong with me. Instead, I was playing MKDS (Mario Kart DS) till it died. Oh nois~ We were there till 5:30pm (roughly).

Well, as promised, to my sis of coz, that I, my bro and IRT would do voice acting for RTM? I think. So, we did. We went for dinner at Jati Tom Yam at Putatan (somewhere near KFC?), I think my bro loves the tom yam there, I didn't get to try it yet, scared stomach upset. After that, we went to Ampal Studio around 7pm-ish.

This is actually my 1st time. So, I'm a bit blur when asked to speak in Sabah english. Well, how do ppl actually speak in that language? @_@ major blurness. Anyways, I juz use my normal english, I sound seriously weird. I got a lil confused coz my sis were cutting some lines without telling me @_@ major blurness.

omg, we totally covered the equipments @_@

Oh forgot to mention, we met Asmin Mudin (lyricist for the song Gemilang by Jacklyn Victor), he's the one who did the recording. Fun experience XD

More photos, click here.

We finished at around 9pm and went for yamchar for awhile at Putatan and went home after dat. Well it was fun doing voice acting, well excluding for some tongue twisting moments @_@ hehe.

Please take note! Guest DJ for 1st Feb 2008, will be KC *cough cough. Check his blog post here.


  1. hehehehe bah sir george mari kita ds XD

  2. Blargh! More gatherings and more food!

  3. acom: u come back we go banyak banyak outing aight?
