
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Operation: shiVER's Present

Uploaded some after party game at CarcaSean on youtube, check it out here.

The gift arrived yesterday and I got no clue to wut and how to hand it over to the ninja. I was at home yesterday coz I need rest. Yes, I was tired from the nite before and slightly lazy too XD opps. Was working on my blog till SESB decided to cut off my power supply =_=" *cruelty. Lucky for auto save in blogger. If not, I'm screwed.

Anyways, I smsed the ninja to collect his package at Mindslaver. I wasn't suppose to be there XD Wait maybe I was or not maybe I dunno *sweat~ Couldn't call everyone since everything was planned at the very last minute. Sorry.

Who were there?
Me, Jason, Rob, dori, sotong, dx, koby er and 2 other guys

Here's some photos.

Ninja's speech? O.O astaga~ he's speechless XD

What rob gotta say to the ninja

he was smelling the boardgame too OMG!

koby, stop smelling the cardboard!

After dinner. We UNVIRGIN the boardgame. LOL. Well if there weren't enuff player, panja would be one of the player too. LOL.

I get to use the same character again. JENNY LECLERC! omg! *sigh~ Btw, dx character trap in space till the game ends ah. XD WE WON AGAINST THE WAREWOLVES!

koby the traitor, stress nampak? LOL!

Btw, I'm gonna let dori post the other video. I wanna sleep early tonite.


  1. Wuaaaaah Mas! Did you try playing? How was it?

  2. compy: next time bring u play XD

  3. hahhaa...
    the 1st picture damn funny...
    I got the same expression on my latest blog post also...

    nice one!!

  4. *giggle..thanks beverly XD *hugs

  5. Anonymous7:05 PM

    hahaha... Glad shiVER likes the gift! He better don't sell it at eBay!

  6. he can try, everyone will whack him...
