
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Massy Listens

to music BWAHAHAHAHA (ogie, seriously, kidding, I must be high XD)

My days are as normal as any other day, juz so happen dat today is slightly special, why? you may ask? Coz I've discovered a really awesome band. Found them when I was browsing facebook. And guess wut? They're MALAYSIAN. *cheer~

On top of that, my fav genre! Indies! *cheer again.

Enuff with my hyperness and lets get on to introducing shall we?

Estrella consist of 5 members, as follows:

Liyana - Vocals, Guitars
Yob - Guitars
Jeff - Drums
Wan - Percussions
Ariff - Bass

Formed in 2006, Estrella originally consisted of three members; Ashraf, Syariful Adzwan (Yob), and fronted by Liyana. In May 2006, the Troubaganger acoustic gig marked their first-ever performance, initially winning over the audience at cozy La Bodega KL. However, very soon after the three members were then reduced to the current two as Ashraf decided to leave the band for personal reasons.

Armed with their guitars and heartfelt tunes, Liyana and Yob began circulating the local music scene with their own brand of acoustic music. Numerous open-mic sessions and gigs at notable shows around town followed suit; namely Moonshine, Troubadours, Doppelganger, and No Black Tie, and the band began to generate more attention for the duo from both the audience and the organizers.

In June 2006, Estrella’s first single, ‘Take It Slow’ was featured in Troubadours’s “The Voices Next Door” compilation album, and the song was then taken by RedComm productions as part of the soundtrack for the SunSilk TV series Impian Illiyana which ran for 13 consecutive weeks. Gaining some pretty decent exposure in the media as well as the indie scene, friendships were also made with likeminded individuals and groups along the way, providing them with even more ideas and opportunity to grow musically.

Check out their infos as follows...

Oh and it's fully recommended to check out their song called "Stay".

The songs are in those links below. Have fun! XD You can add them on facebook too, here.

If you wanna order their album, here.

On myspace, here. On AMP, here.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rave Outing: Gayang Seafood Outing

Does this even considered as an outing? *confused.

Lets get to the story, shall we?

We planned for a seafood outing since early April. Where? Gayang Seafood Restaurant. Where is this place? It's near Salut Seafood Centre. Why did we postpone it? Coz fallenone said there's a surprise. What's our surprise? Dizzy chan!!! Nyappy! XD Hence, why there's less than 10 who could make it.

I'm sorry for delaying this post, I have my reasons.

The plan was to meet everyone at Citymall at around 1pm and go from there. But, last minute changes, acing would pick me up instead. So, I waited, and waited, and WAITED till it's nearly 3pm. UBER HUNGRY! This doesn't seem like lunch anymore. Seriously.

It's not that far from my place actually. Reached there at around 3pm-ish. Some of them already finish eating @_@ omg~

Lets move on to the fewd *drools~ Check out the raves, here.

Well actually I come for this only XD Soft crabbu!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (oh, actually it's my first time eating butter soft crab, it's normally butter prawn).

For those who never eaten "siput tarik" before, here's some guide for newbs *cough cough. Kidding.

Some of the people who joined the outing (omg, I'm a midget @_@)

Btw, here, check out chucky's post.

We finish at round 4pm-ish (I think).

Some of us head on to Citymall after that. Went to CarcaSean for "Settlers of Catan" (coz Dizzy chan wanna play, and guess wut? She won! OMG!). Played 1 round of "Carcasonne". Skipped dinner, that's for sure.

Only started having the DS Gathering around 10pm. My eyeballs are in pain, it's past my bedtime. Played few rounds of Clubhouse games, well only 4 of us. Went back before midnite, reach home at nearly 1am, showered and straight off to bed. Reason why I can't blog at that time, I really can't stay awake, everything is so heavy @_@

I hope this whole thing aren't so confusing. If it is, I'm sorry.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pinky Street Figure Shots

Remember I took the day off last Tuesday? Well, I got bored doing nothing at home, so, I took these instead. XD I've also added some brushes (for fun).

This is the part where I dun add brushes XD

This is the part where I stop coz notice the clouds? It's about to rain @_@

Last but not least, hana desu! XD

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sabah Blackout!!!


22nd April, 2008

KOTA KINABALU: Almost 90 per cent of Sabah was hit by a massive power cut yesterday.

This happened after the 153KV transmission line between Inanam and Karambunai tripped and subsequently triggered a tripping at the independent power plant (IPP) in Sepanggar Bay near here and many power stations in the west coast area. The problem started at about 6.45pm causing the major power system to collapse.

“As a result, we lost some 500 megawatts and that is why so many consumers were affected,” Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) corporate communications manager Chendramatah Sinteh told New Sabah Times when contacted yesterday evening. According to her, this was one of the worst power outages ever recorded in the state so far.

She said most of the 300,000-odd registered consumers including business premises except those in Beaufort, Keningau, Tambunan, Tenom, Papar, Ranau and Telupid as well as Labuan, were affected by the major power outage.

“But, we began to restore power in stages after 7pm,” she said and added that electricity supply in Sandakan was fully restored at 9.55pm. To a question, Chendramatah said they could not ascertain when they could fully restore power in the affected areas but were doing their level best.

“We want to apologise to consumers for the inconvenience,” she said, adding that this was something unavoidable and beyond their control.


I was at Centre Point with both of my sis, I was eating when it turned pitch black. Lucky for backup generator. I got slightly bored coz most of the shop close early. I dun even know why I'm out last nite hmmm. But got home at around 8pm-ish. Driving without the traffic light is not fun. It was dark, lucky some place got light, at least it's not dat bad.

My mum was playing bowling on DS. *rofl It's a fun sight and I slightly doze off at the living room carpet for awhile with my working clothes and my bags. Actually till my mum loud voice woke me up. I had to move upstairs and change. Well had to bring my cat upstairs too coz she broke one of the salt lamp at the living @_@ aiyo~

I tried sleeping but it was too hot. I went downstairs and tried sleeping at the living again but I can't, walk upstairs again and try to sleep at the living room upstairs also cannot, it was too frigging hot! Went back to my bed, smsing some friends, doze off with the torch light till it was around 1am? Or was it 2am? I saw my speaker light and turned on the fan and the aircond for few hours till I was freezing my butt, I turned the aircond off.

To conclude my day, I didn't get to shower last nite coz it was dark @_@"

And I overslept today hahahahaha I skip work. Bagus mas bagus! XD

Monday, April 21, 2008

KK Freeze at Citymall

Did you miss out on the 1st KK Freeze last nite at Citymall?

he's planning to "recycle" himself. SAVE the CHEERLEADER! *cough I mean save the WORLD!

Thanks to Edgar/doridori for organizing and making this happen. YOSH!

Well, here's some shots from me. Yes, there's some ppl who wanted to kidnap my "baby" to make me "FREEZE" hahahaha. Maybe next time. This time I wanna experience taking photos and running around for 5 mins. =_=" It's harder than I thought, ppl are scattered around and 5 mins is not enuff! Seriously! Additional panic moment when the DJ said there's 1 min left @_@ I was like "WHAT?! I'm not done yet"

So here's some of the shots I took

briefing from dori

when everyone starts to freeze

We also took group photo. Ack, there's more photos coming. I'll add up the link once it's up. *photo leeched from Chucky.

Here a vid by impy.

Check out the FREEZE at Sunway Pyramid too.

More photos, here.

Check out blog post from the other participants who joined for the FREEZE last nite.

Amie, Joanna, Chucky, Jacq, sotong, Fara, Audrey .


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Selina's Birthday Lunch

The plan was to have lunch with the family around noon at a seafood restaurant somewhere at Alamesra. I dunno wut happen till we changed our plan to eat at Atmosphere. Located at the 18th floor of Menara Tun Mustapha. Mum and me followed my bro's car and everyone else followed my dad.

Before lunch (celebrate at home with Durian cake)

the birthday gal, wait gal? woman!! XD

yeah, i was lazy to bring down the tripod, so yeah

me and sis

At @mosphere.

The fewds.

complimentary buns

selection of fish fillet

grilled spicy chicken? I hope I got the name right

pear strudel

Check out the raves, here.

This is definitely a surprise from Atmosphere. Her 2nd cake btw.

Complimentary surprise cake from atmosphere. Gotta love cheese! Ahhh this is HEAVEN for me! XD I'm stuffed from all the eating.

Family photo with Rory.

Gift from Atmosphere. Family photo! XD

We were there for more than 2 hours. I think.

For more photos, click here.

Happy Birthday Selina

First thing first. It's my eldest sis b'day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNE!

I can't seem to find a darker pink color for that.

My day started with having breakfast at Kedai Kopi Hilltop (it's located at the same row with the Roti Cobra place) with the guys (Jack, Jason, dori and my bro). Was suppose to be there around 8:30am but I decided to wait for my bro. Yay! No need to drive. Well, it's not really that far from my place (I think). Check out the rave, here. It was worth it, I mean waking up early.

We also had the fu cuk.

We were there till nearly 10am. Random talk with the guys.

I guess today is one of those days I feel happy. Why? Coz I got my HORI stylus pen. MWAHHAHAHAHA. No more "slipping stylus".

Now to open and test it mwahahhaha.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

New Re-ment

I got myself some new re-ment miniatures. Ogie, correction, I only bought 1 XD Bought these at BakaNeko & toyboy's new shop. Wait, it's not open yet. I mean not officially open yet. *sweat. But yeah. I love the egg! OMG! Sorry for the bad photo, it's late and I'm tired. I juz wanted to show everyone the cuteness of these miniatures XD

And the others belong to my brother and his gf.

Here's mine

Here's theirs

Btw, reminding everyone again. DO NOT miss out on the Freeze at Citymall, 8pm sharp tomolo, 20th April 2008! More details, check doridori's site.