
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sabah Blackout!!!


22nd April, 2008

KOTA KINABALU: Almost 90 per cent of Sabah was hit by a massive power cut yesterday.

This happened after the 153KV transmission line between Inanam and Karambunai tripped and subsequently triggered a tripping at the independent power plant (IPP) in Sepanggar Bay near here and many power stations in the west coast area. The problem started at about 6.45pm causing the major power system to collapse.

“As a result, we lost some 500 megawatts and that is why so many consumers were affected,” Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) corporate communications manager Chendramatah Sinteh told New Sabah Times when contacted yesterday evening. According to her, this was one of the worst power outages ever recorded in the state so far.

She said most of the 300,000-odd registered consumers including business premises except those in Beaufort, Keningau, Tambunan, Tenom, Papar, Ranau and Telupid as well as Labuan, were affected by the major power outage.

“But, we began to restore power in stages after 7pm,” she said and added that electricity supply in Sandakan was fully restored at 9.55pm. To a question, Chendramatah said they could not ascertain when they could fully restore power in the affected areas but were doing their level best.

“We want to apologise to consumers for the inconvenience,” she said, adding that this was something unavoidable and beyond their control.


I was at Centre Point with both of my sis, I was eating when it turned pitch black. Lucky for backup generator. I got slightly bored coz most of the shop close early. I dun even know why I'm out last nite hmmm. But got home at around 8pm-ish. Driving without the traffic light is not fun. It was dark, lucky some place got light, at least it's not dat bad.

My mum was playing bowling on DS. *rofl It's a fun sight and I slightly doze off at the living room carpet for awhile with my working clothes and my bags. Actually till my mum loud voice woke me up. I had to move upstairs and change. Well had to bring my cat upstairs too coz she broke one of the salt lamp at the living @_@ aiyo~

I tried sleeping but it was too hot. I went downstairs and tried sleeping at the living again but I can't, walk upstairs again and try to sleep at the living room upstairs also cannot, it was too frigging hot! Went back to my bed, smsing some friends, doze off with the torch light till it was around 1am? Or was it 2am? I saw my speaker light and turned on the fan and the aircond for few hours till I was freezing my butt, I turned the aircond off.

To conclude my day, I didn't get to shower last nite coz it was dark @_@"

And I overslept today hahahahaha I skip work. Bagus mas bagus! XD


  1. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I got stuck in a traffic jam! darnnnesss... nearly 1 hr on the road and was late to play futsal. I tot i was late. but those *censored* colleagues of mine postponed it again to a much much much later time. *&^%$#* what pissed me off again was dat no girls comin, so only guys playing. slept around 1am and nearly take a day off today... so taken a nap during my lunch hr, n now my eyes are red. adeiii...

  2. na-o hahahahahaha...kuyak..yeah my fren oso stuck in jam ni XD

  3. haha... at least i got inspired for a while.. ^_^

  4. jeff: inspired? with? O.O

  5. inspired taking some candle photo. :D

  6. i had tuition and that night and blackout, we studied outside the class again, and when i got home the traffic were all over the place =3

  7. wuah sambung lagi tu tuition XD itu barulah..

    yeah traffic everywhere..except my place..teda traffic ni

  8. *laughs @ what haazel said* Kalau kami dulu, mati karan ja, memang nda mau pigi tuition.

    At least nowadays not that frequent kan mati karan, macam dulu?

  9. compy: hmm..u wish.. XD

    macam chipsmore tu karan

  10. Masih lagi gitu? Punya main bidaaaak.

  11. compy: yahhh it's owez so unstable ni..mmg pun bidak! XD
