
Monday, May 19, 2008

Beautiful Sabah - Digital Photography Contest Workshop

The "jambatan gantung" (hanging bridge? O.o? Ogie fine I dunno wut they call it in english, it's a bridge XD ogie fine! I corrected it, suspension bridge nah!!!! =_="), yes, I'm afraid of heights *hehe~ But guess wut? I manage to cross over and come back ALIVE! XD *sot jor~

So, hey, guess wut? I end up going after all *rofl. Details, here. Organized by KKIPC, Sabah Journalist Association and sponsored by Monsopiad. It's awesome!!! I mean AWESOME!!! I even got a cert for participating. Uber kewlness! And an inspiring talk by Edmund Samunting and Datu Ruslan Sulai from NSTP.

I also got to know some interesting new ppl. We had this photography assignment, consist of a group of 5, well I'm actually awkward around ppl I dun really know. In general, I am an awkward person to begin with, unless I'm used to a person already of coz. Ogie, not the point, I was gonna say dat the assignment theme was showcasing Monsopiad Cultural Village as a tourist attraction. But from the shots I took, I think I can't or not yet couldpicture anything from wide perspective coz I'm very particular with stuff, or in other words, specific @_@" I think this is one of the reason why I'm so into macro, coz I love details.

You'll understand once u seen my shots.

But, of all that, know wut? I notice I didn't take any shot of ppl. OMG! @_@" eek~ I know, I paiseh when it comes to taking ppl's shot oso *hehe~

Especially the group photo. I want it! XD

Oh btw, check out chucky's post, here (more photos) and they spelled sotong's name wrongly *sweat, check it here.

Oh and like lucy said, we were in today's newspaper, Daily Express.

Anybody can spot me? XD


  1. *looking for ur face on the newspaper*

  2. *giggle...uh oh~ XD i'm in front.. XD i was lucky~ XD

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    i think i saw u on the paper today! n i saw my frens! wargghh!!! i got weddings on that day... aiseymannn...

  4. na-o: *nods nods, u're the 3rd person to say dat X3 T.T which is ur fren? oh btw alah which u could join next time X3

  5. yup i can spot u there....

  6. justine: *giggle i know rite

  7. uiii.. terlepas!!! didn't know about this workshop!! silaka... hehe..

  8. oh no! u didn't? i actually posted it at the forum..alamaks~ i should haf posted it in my blog @_@ gomen~ >.<

  9. Anonymous12:09 AM

    hmm...thats a pretty long hanging-bridge there, or is it the camera..or is it my eyes?..haven't been there awhile now..

  10. xander: it's not that long but it is for me =_=" i was shaking all over when i cross it XD

  11. Ko di tengah2 kan, kan?? :D Wui femes oredi la... hehe

  12. justine: lol wut? XD

    nessa: *nods nods..yeap i am in the middle..XD

  13. wow...bestnya! i didnt know about it :( if not i wouldve joined too. me likes.

  14. Rozella: oh no, not u too T_T i'm so sorry, i should haf posted it in my blog. wait i did, but it's linked to the one i posted in the forum but ppl didn't notice it T_T
    no worries, we might haf another one! dis time i make sure everyone knows about it ! XD YoSH!

  15. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Waahh... ko ada p.. jeles jeles.. wuuu...

  16. mimie: yeap i time join us...uh uh lets go meet zaini XD

  17. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Hi, I am not which one is you but I was there too... pis!

  18. hi marylyn, i was wearing green, in the middle XD which one is u? XD
