
Friday, May 23, 2008

Guess who's on the line?

I can't stop laffing eventhough I'm sick. This is totally a gewd distraction for me.

I was chatting with my fren when I receive a call from an unknown number. The usual me, who doesn't pick numbers which aren't stored on my phone. *giggle. The same number called twice, curious as I am. I received an sms from the the person, whose number I dunno. Guess who? It's YB Zaini! OMG!!! *rofl.

Actually I was gonna pick up his 3rd attempt to calling me, but I was replying his sms and I sort of ter-press something hahahah omg. Too funny, he called me back and we talk for less than 30 mins *rofl.

Mmg teda kerja! Guess wut's his reason for calling. REVENGE! *rofl. Juz so that his fren used his hp to call out and finish up his credit *rofl. Pay back! Revenge is so sweet *giggle. He said he try to call everyone, even tried to call Cindy but can't get her. *giggle. Kasian ni YB.

Anyways juz another reminder on the "Kaamatan Celebration" thing at his kampung. It'll be on 1st June 2008, details at his blog here. And everyone is invited! ARAMAITIH~ ngam ka spelling? XD

I'm planning to go. WHO'S WITH ME?!

Anyways, zaini, sorry la, I can't help u with finishing up ur fren's credit coz my voice is partially gone and I can't stop coughing, thanks for calling though XD *peace.

It was fun, no doubt about it *giggle.

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