
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

You know bad karma will just come back to you

kar·ma (kärm)
1. Hinduism & Buddhism The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
2. Fate; destiny.
3. Informal A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling.

Source: TheFreeDictionary

A song by the brilliant green -
Round and Round
No, I don't understand your cynical ways
All the things that you say
Will just come back to you
You spit on life
As if though you couldn't care
You keep spitting on life
But don't you know
That will just bring you down

And I don't understand the faces you fake
All the things that you hate
Will just come back to you
You could probably say
It would happen anyway
You could probably say it
Cause it don't bother you

It's a crime
Think about it
And stop acting like a fool
Yes, it's time
Can't ignore it
Think about the things you do

Round and round
And up and down again
Through and through
Round and round
And one is two
Enough is enough
You know bad karma will just come back to you

When will you understand the people you hurt?
Don't you know that those words
Will just come back to you
You would probably say
That they're hurting anyway
You could probably say it
Why don't it bother you

It's a crime
Living your life
Without ever looking down
At the ground, at the flowers
Yeah, that you keep stepping on
And maybe you should notice
That they've done nothing to you
Or you might find out someday
When things turn upside down
And those flowers step on you

Round and round
And up and down again
Through and through
Round and round
And one is two
Enough is enough

Enough is enough
Why won't you understand?
That I've had enough
And I've taken all I can
And why do you do
All of the things that you do?
Yes, I want you
I want you to understand

That enough is enough
You know bad karma will just come back to you

As for me, I try not to provoke people, I know I did in the past and I would like to apologize to
anyone or everyone that I hurt and hope for a better life.


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Ehwah! Dah bertaubat kot!

  2. So serious. 0_0

    But, yeah well, qisas tu qisas la juga. :D

  3. I'll be less serious after all this pass XD

  4. Yep, it's true. We can run but we can't hide. Karma will always find a way to hunt us down.

  5. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Teringat lagu Justin Timberlake, What goes around comes around.. but that's how it is la.. people might not believe it until terkena sendiri.. Hope all is well with you Mas! :D

  6. rozella: yeap yeap

    syura: *nods. i'm fine now no worries :)
