
Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Arine

In correct spelling I should say, IRTeA.

My brother, (better known as cubex), had planned for a birthday party for his gf. I think it was a month earlier than the actual date. He actually bugged me to order the cake for him.

The actual party was on 14th June 2008 (Saturday). I'm really sorry for the slow update. I've been pretty bz lately. Or so I think I am. We had it at McDonalds, Api Api. Well the problem with this place is, they got really sucky air conditioning man. Seriously. They gotta improve on that. I was sweating and my head was spinning. Well literally speaking I was having a headache from all that heat.

The plan was to surprise her with the cake, or so I think it's the plan. I was suppose to pick compy up at around before 5pm coz I'm picking 540 up, but plan changed and instead of picking up both, I pick up 540 only. We went straight to Warisan but there weren't any parking for us to collect the cake, so, we went to Api-Api Centre instead and I turned 2 rounds and manage to get parking near McD. Lucky me. Walked to Warisan Square and wasted half an hour/an hour walking around coz we were too early. The actual party only starts around 8pm btw. Went to Times bookstore and bought some Egg Tarts for robby.

We went back to McD and ordered something to eat. I wanted a double cheeseburger T_T *sigh. But I scared if I started eating beef, I can't move my leg hahahahah ogie. Not funny. I had ribena X3 oh I like it so much.

As time goes by, more and more people started showing up and I was passing the card for everyone to sign. Ogie, did anyone didn't get to sign!? I somehow got a feeling that some people didn't sign it! Here's some of the shots I manage to take that nite.

The cake

chocolate moist cake from Secret Recipe (curious why there's a layer of coffee @_@)

The presents

The people

playing doki doki gorilla @_@ *takazut~

More photos, here.

I'll wait for the group photos from Shadow XD


  1. Card signing? Wat card ?! T.T

  2. nick: the card that goes along with the present?

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    WAHHH the cake looks really yummy!!!! xD

  4. cin: it is!!! except the coffee layer part @_@

  5. The cake looks so yum!!! Happy Birthday!!

  6. rozella: it is nyum..except the coffee part XD

  7. Happy "belated" birtday to IRTeA. =D
    Layer of coffee?? Urggghhh.. I hate coffee.

    Wakakaka, Eat beef? Can't move leg.. Come on.. Just few bites won't make the difference. If you eat them everyday.. I guranttee you really can't move la.. You have to call the ambulance. LOL.

  8. christy: yeah i dun like coffee too..anyways happened before, i had this steak, the next thing i know, i can't move my left leg for few mins hahahaha rusak! I was sitting on the carpet macam urang gila ni

  9. Oh.. I thought you were concern about your weight.. Haha.. Alright..

    Whoa, kasian punya ah moi.. Tak pe.. You can still have other meat except beef.! :D

  10. christy hahahahahahaha...XD yeah...other meat like hmmm chicken and fish omg @_@
