
Monday, June 30, 2008

Maxis Service Down?

My sis msg me on msn earlier this morning, asking me why her hotlink "No Network". @_@ Well I have no idea, I don't work there. She came to my room and showed it to me. I went and check my phone and I also seem to have the same problem. Not only that, most of the people I know who is using maxis/hotlink is having that problem.

If there were any notice, I think I missed that part about service interruption or upgrading coz too much spam msg that I delete every single sms / mms from hotlink *rofl~

So, anyone who knows about this matter? WHAT'S UP WITH MAXIS/HOTLINK?


  1. DAMMIT!! i thought my phone went kaput ledi.

  2. @_@ yeah me too..I was like..but se baru reload..buduts punya maxis!

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Same here. Woke up this morning to find 'No service'. I just lodged a report with Maxis online. All available lines to Maxis hotline is full. I'm sure there's a lot of furious people out there this morning.

  4. hin ching: YES!!! Furious indeed..btw is there even any written statement to this? *curious..hey btw, I went and tried to comment at ur blog but the bubble racoon thing is covering the comment box dat I can't seem to press post @_@

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Thanks for letting me know. Didn't realize the racoon was causing problems. No written statement from Maxis but I heard from a friend in KL that there was a sluggish afternoon last Friday with Maxis too.

  6. hin ching: OMG! thanks for the info...i'm still wondering..i think the whole KK maxis service is down? @_@

  7. yes, i think so too. my friend also said that his maxis line is dead. Tapi sia ok saja...pakai Digi! hehehe!

  8. Ya my maxis is down too since early last night.... Thank god I have a digi number.. Frankly I dont like maxis too much but a lot of people I communicate with a maxisers, so...

  9. perry: hahahahahahha I oso got digi..well actually maxis is my backup line hahahaha i didn't check it till my sis told me hahahah XD

    charlene: hahahaha samalah kita!!! XD I got digi too bwahhahahah

    nick: I love digi too..well except the yellow digi ghost @_@ urgh..those tights omg @_@

  10. perry: i know u haf one of those tights >.>

  11. Anonymous11:53 PM

    the same thing happen here also. Everyone in the office using Maxis marah2 already. LIke the scene where everyone go "full moon"...

  12. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Good thing I'm a Digi user! heehe!

  13. saiful: alah, i didn't get to see dat here. my colleagues teda use maxis..except me ahhahahaha XD rusak!!!!

    arms: yes! i'm a digi user too ahhahahahahaha XD

  14. Anonymous9:31 AM

    silaka itu maxis tu... huahuahuahuahua....

  15. mimie: they dunno wut's wrong with it..itu yang kuyak tu XD
