
Thursday, June 12, 2008

when the sky is blue...

When the sky is blue, I think of u...
Thinking of the days we've been through...
Life's wonderful when the sky is so BLUE!!!

(macam high tapi bukan)

Well, that's probably the first thing a person could think of well if he/she is thinking about somebody? Yes no? I dunno XD At this point, I think I'm hyper. It's past midnite and I'm not asleep yet. Why? Coz my body clock screwed. That's why.

But, that's not exactly the main point. The main point here is to enjoy the moment, of when the sky is so blue. It's such a pretty sight, such a waste if everyone couldn't enjoy looking at it. So, I thought I took a shot of it for everyone to enjoy looking at it. I've changed the camera setting to make it look more vivid. And I love it!

Anyways, I thought I wanna continue about the dinner but now I feel sleepy and tired. I should sleep. I know I should. I'll be going for the movie premiere of "Where's My Water" tonite at Imperial. Details here and JoJ's Blog.

Have a fun day ppl!


  1. The sky definitely looks gorgeous in that picture!

  2. rozella: yes, it's exactly dat color XD

  3. I just did some changing to my blog URL here is the new 1

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Huh..finally today I managed to do some review about Maslight's blog in my blog at anyone needs blog review let me know in my blog comment section.

  5. sunduvan: hey thanks man...sure will do XD

  6. this is taken in kk right? so nice! i miss kk *sobs*

  7. vivien: yeap XD it is..hehe

  8. Hmm, the sky is blue.. WHOA.. Never thought of actually looking at the sky.. After read what you posted on this post.. It makes me wonder why didn't I notice the blue beuaty of the wonderful sky above...

    Matter of fact.. Why didn't I even feel the sky's existance? Been living in this world for so long, never thought about the sky.. All I see was the clouds. Waiting for something to happen. (whether it's going to rain, or sunny all day long)..

    It brings me to another question, why is it blue? Fact is, above us is a huge dark space..
    Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts, and you are right, everyone couldn't enjoy looking at it. Therefore, I will cherish the moment of looking and appreciate the nature of it.

  9. christy hey..yeah, i love looking at the sky and adore the beauty. i love it when the sun sets and when the sun rises in the morning..sometimes u dun get clouds in the afternoon and sometimes blue sky...if u notice, sometimes if it rains, and there's lightning, it's beautiful. XD
