
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dark Knight

From my previous entry. I went to watch "Dark Knight" today at Cathay for the 1st show! It was around 10:05pm. It rained heavily earlier. I fear that I might not be able to make it if it keeps pouring. But before that, here's some photos of my tickets from earlier and yes, I got free poster! XD Well more like a mini poster. Heheh.

From our earlier plan, I was expecting roughly 14 people that I know to watch this movie as the same time as I do. But, here's the kick. There were actually, if I'm not mistaken, 20 people (bloggers and forumers) that went to watch this 1st show. KEWL!!!

I can't say much about the movie coz I know most of you people haven't watch it yet. But I can say, Heath Ledger as the Joker is absolutely BRILLIANT!!! 'nuff said.

It's a combination of humor, action and suspense. Oh yeah and the surround sound. I think I'm partially deaf, ogie I'm exaggerating, what's in my head now is the sound of gunshots @_@ Damn that's loud. The movie is damn AWESOME! I love it!

Well exclude the part where some of the scenes were cut off @_@

"Cathay, what's with all that "stunt" you pull off earlier man"

You guys spoiling all the fun. It's like taking candy from a baby. *sigh. Anyways all I gotta say, overall this movie is a *double thumbs up! For me. If you don't agree with me, then shut up! XD I'm free to express my thoughts *giggles.

Oh yeah, here's a tribute for Heath Ledger as THE JOKER from me and my friends again.

I so totally recommend everyone to watch this! XD I'm uber excited but it's already 2am and I should sleep. Wok wok wok~ XD


  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Sempat plak u blog b4 sleep2 ya..hehehe. Ya'll should catch the movie!!

  2. xander: yeap, coz I wasn't sleepy till I saw the time hahahahaha..terus yang I MUST SLEEP punya case XD

  3. perry: yes yes go watch!!!!! XD I RECOMMEND IT FULLY!!!

  4. i like the new batman. christian bale currently the best batman i've seen so far. the batman begins and the dark knight are the best batman movies for me. JOKER way more wicked!! I LIKE IT! The late Heath Ledger made Joker uber scary. OMG OMG OMG!

  5. dori: I love the joker man...damn great performance by the late heath ledger

  6. Anonymous4:43 PM

    aduhhh.. blum ada chance mau tinguk.. nanti kau review lah the movie ok...
    for a parent like me... tunggu DVD tinguk dirumah saja.. kesian..

  7. alalalal papaJ...HARUS BELI! I mean the dvd coz the movie is awesome..brilliant work by the late heath ledger..I so totally recommend it

  8. Ok, I need to go catch that one soon :D

  9. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Wuu~~ Health Ledger... sayang.. sayang..


  10. nick: yes, please do! XD

    mimie: yes!!!! JOKER FTW!

  11. I miss him. :( He was just so talented... can't believe he won't be acting in any more films.

  12. rozie: i know wut u mean...T_T

  13. I ketawa, takut and at times wanted to cry when I watched the movie! It was THAT damn good lah!! :( Soooo freaking heartbreaking oh..

    Anyways, I also recommend anyone to go see. The previous batman yang ada katie holmes to I felt was like so lame. Christian Bale there pun like not very macho. But this one, the batman became more HUNKY DORY!! I loveeeeeeee!!

  14. shemah: yeah this time batman movie damn HOT! XD
