
Thursday, July 31, 2008

of SBG and True Story Movies

Sabah Bloggers Gathering
in 2 days people! @_@ No, I'm not paranoid (*indenial). Serious! I'm not panicking. *shows serious face (failed attempt btw). Ogie, lets move on. Everyone been bz thinking of what to wear to this event. As for me, I have a mind set to what to wear. I'm going as myself! Shirt and jeans it is! I don't care whatever you people gonna say. *kici mata. Stop freaking me out. *FOCUS! I am focus! @_@"""

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone on Saturday. LETS BEAT THE SABAH TIME PEOPLE AND GET FREEBIES MWAHAHAHHA. This is the part where I sound a bit "melebeh lebeh".

Anyways, I took the day off yesterday. No, I'm not lazy and I'm no boss. *roll eyes at Panja. I have my reasons. Seriously I do. And that would be coz of knee attack. Yes, you heard me. I got ready yesterday morning and when I was about to go off to work, well actually after I turned off my computer and stand, erm I actually couldn't. Well I could, just that I could stand properly. My left knee is giving me problems. Normally it would take me few minutes to recover from that sudden knee pain but unfortunately for yesterday, I wasn't able to move my left leg that much till it was 1pm. *sigh. I must have eaten something I shouldn't. I don't recall what though. Well ogie maybe I know but it didn't give me any problem till yesterday. So yeah. Even sitting down is painful around my knee. And unfortunately for me, I didn't have any medicine left, so I had to endure the pain till it goes away. Even though I'm a cry baby, pain is something I can handle. Yeap, suck it all up.

That said, no worries people. My legs are fine. I was able to drive to work today.

Anyways, that whole knee story is all done now. Now lets start to the movie marathon I had from yesterday. I was having my dinner till I found a movie called Flyboys. Inspired by a true story, this movie which was released on 2006.


A group of young Americans go to France, for different personal reasons, and volunteer to fight in the French Air Service, L'Aéronautique militaire, during World War I prior to America's entrance into the war. One of the main characters, Blaine Rawlings (James Franco) faced with the foreclosure of his family ranch in Texas, decides to enlist after seeing a newsreel of aerial combat in France. Dilettante Briggs Lowry (Tyler Labine) joins because of his overbearing father. African-American boxer Eugene Skinner (Abdul Salis) who had been accepted as an athlete in France was motivated to "pay back" his adopted country. These American recruits were under the command of French Captain Georges Thenault (Jean Reno) while the veteran fighter ace Reed Cassidy (Martin Henderson), a fellow American, takes over as their mentor.

During their training, the film mainly deals with the struggles each pilot has with the demanding flying; later, the focus shifts to the aerial dogfights that dominate the front line missions. Themes of camaraderie, racial prejudice, revenge and love are also explored. The film ends with an epilogue that relates each film character to the real-life Lafayette Escadrille figures on which the movie was based.


Source: Wikipedia

I watched this on Astro. Check the listings, who knows you might be able to watch it. I love this movie.

Well I thought I was gonna blog about this movie yesterday but I actually posted about it at clickstartplay forum. But what actually made me decided to blog about it today is coz I watched another GREAT MOVIE.

This movie is based on a true story. Waw. I wonder what's installed for me tomorrow night *giggles. I'm excited. Anyways, this movie was released in 1999. Can't believe I've never watched it till today, this very moment. Where have I been?! This movie is based on a true story of Homer Hickam, a coal miner's son who was inspired by the first Sputnik launch to take up rocketry against his father's wishes.


Source: Wikipedia

Totally a great movie. Very inspiring indeed. I love both of the movies. I was watching till the end. Anxiously waiting for a happy ending XD Watch it!!! Watch it!!! Gawd I'm it's exciting! XD
Oh yeah and check out Homer Hickam's webbie.

Oh waw, what's wrong with me? I seldom type this long *cough @_@""" I'm sorry. And thank yew for reading *PEACE~


  1. Hope your knees is better now.... Mas.

  2. thanks boo XD it is XD

  3. aww i wish i could go to the gathering =(

  4. awww fie there's owez next time *hugs

  5. I hope your knee gets better. I definitely can relate to knee pains.

    And have fun at the gathering, ok? You guys sure organize such nice and fun stuff :D

    Happy weekend.

  6. i wanna watch flyboys! james franco! haha...but the other night i watched the guardian sana kedai melayu. syok juga la and very touching. i wish im in kk now. wanna go to the gathering :(((( hope there's more to come.

  7. nick..thanks..yeah i'm taking supplements now...XD dun worry..i'll try to take lotsa lotsa photos for everyone to see

    viv..yes! flyboys *drools I mean.. XD the guardian? macam my sis ada tell me about dat..hey u going to SBG!!!?!?! I c u there! XD

  8. Anonymous9:43 AM

    beat the sabahan time.. beat the sabahan time and get freebies... muahahahha....

    see u tomorrow massy~~

  9. mimie worries are the parking now >.< XD

    yay! mimie cya tomolo yay~

  10. Anonymous10:32 AM

    ooo ya ka... saturday ba pula tu tomorrow...

    then, baru gaji lagi tu.. mesti ramai orang tu kan..

  11. i wonder...yeah coz if before 6pm warisan square punya parking tu ada sikit ghey @_@

  12. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Hope your knee gets better before the gathering! Aiya, don't worry about the outfit la. Just be who you are. :)

    Si Massy bah tu!! xD

  13. cin: hahahah thanks..yeah my knee is in gewd shape! XD jangan sija salah makan XD

    yosh! I shall go as hippie massy XD omg...*hides behind cin XD

  14. Hope you guys have tons of fun! Ambil banyak-banyak piccies k? :)

  15. nooooo not going to SBG cos im in the west side of malaysia now!!! wish i was in kk larrr....then can meet all the hardcore sabah bloggers hehe.

  16. nooooooooooooo T_T

    >.< there's owez next worries..*hugs
