
Friday, August 22, 2008

Reunion at McD drive tru

Could I even call it a reunion? Yes I could! XD

Well it's between me and my ex-colleague, Ct and Lissa. These two (2) are few of the people from my previous company who are very close to me. We (just the 3 of us) had our 1st outing, GAWD when was that? Oh man, it felt like so long time ago. OMG I can't remember when was it. Wait, I left the company in 2004, well the last time I met Ct was er at her wedding, oh man that also I can't remember, but she got 2 children now OMG! And uh uh the last time I met Lissa was the day I went to watch movie er I can't remember what movie. But yeah.

Acom must be proud of massy coz massy hugged Ct!!! (note: massy initiated the hug) XD YAH!!! It's something to be proud of!

Anyways, here was the shot before, I think this was like 2 years back, hmm maybe around 2006? or 2007? Blurs.

I was driving that time XD Lissa was playing with my newly bought Canon A710 IS which I'm still using. Ahh the time when I still had more piercings. Those were the days

And this was just now. Lissa's camwhoring skill paid off.

got any difference?

Gawd I miss you guys (I mean gals) ! XD *hugs~

Our next McD session will be 2 years from now? HAHAHAH kidding! XD


  1. arine: I juz realize our position pun sama *lol

  2. itu peace sign bah.....

  3. ahahahhahaahahah rusak!!! XD spontan bah uncle
