
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sabah Bloggers Gathering SUCCESS!!!!

I'm not gonna blog about this yet coz my eyes are tired and in pain and I'm enduring the pain coz I wanted to upload the photos on my facebook first so everyone could check it out.

Anyways, here are the photos. Click me!

Enjoy viewing people. Yeap. That's pretty much all I got XD

Jna, thanks for the parking tix. XD

Uh oh, whoever got photos of me in it. YOU'RE FORCED TO SEND IT TO ME MWAHAHHA. Ogie fine, not forced, but I want em photos. I WANT EM ALL!!!!! The bigger the better (I'm referring to the size of the photos ogie u ppl omg!) Uh oh, especially em group photos. Please please please. Thanks! XD

I'll blog about this after my sleep. I won't call it "beauty sleep" but yeah. I'm uber hungry @_@

Uh oh, I would like to take this opportunity to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Cindy (Cin!!! I was looking forward to meet u at SBG, but T_T) and 540.


  1. bah mana post ko nie mas, sia tunggu nie eh...hehe..

  2. xander lek bah..otakku buntu

  3. UBUNTU!!

    i is want post! and pictures!

  4. UBUNTU!!!! uh wait openSUSE!!!

    er i juz posted dood..alambat ko ni
