
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sudden Fish Mee Outing @_@"""

I wasn't able to sleep becoz of this, FAIL Blog. Some are too funny and some are just "ouch".

I woke up around 8am, and was planning to sleep till my sis wakes up for the Sunday plan. But, while waiting for that, Jack posted a message at CSP.
Jack: "mas, fish meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
Massy: " @_@"
Jack: "nvm"
Cubex: "now bah. you guys dare? Im hungry also"

GG!!! So yeah, it's a last minute plan for breakfast? NOT! More like lunch XD

I got ready and went off around 10am-ish to pick Jack up at his home. We were the earliest one there. Then came, cubex and dias, then panja, then acing, and Irene and last but not least (well more like when we nearly finish our brunch), uncle came XD

Here's where we had our fish mee/tom yam mee.

Kedai Kopi Janggut. OMG what a name. But! The fewd are *thumbs up! I rike! Slightly expensive than Kedai Kopi Hilltop but it was worth it! XD

Oh yeah, this place is located slightly behind Kedai Kopi Hilltop. Well if you consider that as at the back? @_@ Recommended to try is the tom yam or the fish mee soup. Tasty for RM7 a bowl. It's slightly full in the morning which will clear off around noon. This place serve no pork!

Check out what they have there and check out the raves here.

I won't recommend the kon lou mee coz I heard it's slightly tasteless. But anyone who's willing to try, just give it a go XD

I came back at nearly 1pm to find out that my sis doesn't wanna go out coz it's too hot @_@"""

We'll see later. Aiyo~

Till then, uh~~ I hope it rains! Uber hot @_@"""


  1. i dun like ur blog lah. make me hungry onliiii =P

  2. elfie: XD please dun hate me... T_T uh oh..come to kk..lets go makan XD

  3. teda gambar manusia... hahaha

  4. arine: yeah XD ppl marah me T_T isk isk

  5. laaa.. baru ingat mo diet!! chiss!!

  6. *Note to self - stay away from this blog if you're hungry!

    Darn, those food look real good and you've just succeeded in making me hungry at 1.10am in the morning! LOL!

  7. syura: XD heheheheh...i oso wanna diet T_T

    nick: hahahahahah i'm sorry..but XD hehehe sedap tu

  8. Kedai Kopi Janggut??! What a name indeed! :D

  9. should call me earlier la.. punya sya boring on sunday morning. urg susah makan, baru panggil.. punya bidak.

  10. Anonymous12:49 PM

    *sing using hari raya tune*

    selamat~ harijadi~~~

    jangan lupa order itu kon lo mee~



  11. OMG,mouth watering suda ni..huhu

    Anyway, happy birthday's greeting again. XOXO

  12. nessa: yeah kedai kopi janggut..funny kan XD

    dori: it's not my fault! >.<"""

    lee: raya tune? @_@

    mell: thanks XD

  13. Wah, bestnya! Must seriously go and try it. The food looks real yum!

  14. rozie: yes yes..go eat sedap tu XD

  15. Anonymous4:42 PM

    mannnnnnn..i miss this excellent looking food while i was in KK? Darn!! Next trip i must come and visit this place..mana ni moi?

  16. Why janggut? Mesti the owner ada janggut ni kan? :P

    p.s. I'll open another kadai kopi and named it as 'Kadai Teh Misai'... j/k

  17. emelda: it's at know where is kedai kopi hilltop? unitar? behind unitar XD

    dave-lynne: ahhahahaha kedai teh misai kucing ka? XD bulih bah kalau ko XD
