
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Upcomings and locust day dream

It's my 2nd day to jog today. The SPRINTA thing is still going on. I seriously thought that I should end sometime around noon yesterday? What happened? Oh yeah, I actually wanted to blog about something I saw during my jogging session yesterday but I find it very rude to
criticize people. But I need to spit it out! *takes deep breath. For those who're offended by this, I'm really sorry but I'm just curious why people do this.

Here goes...

Yesterday I went jogging with my sis at Likas Sport Complex, we saw this lady who was wearing headscarf (that cloth thing they cover your head with?). She was wearing a white shirt with white sweat pants. I didn't have any problem with that except for the fact that you could actually see the shape of her arse, didn't have any problem with that either. What bothers us the most is the fact that I could see the shape of her panty. OMG =_=" It's like looking at a person with a thong, only it looks as if it's too tight for that person @_@ It's like having flesh sticking out from it. OMG, I was disturbed. What shocked me was when my sis told me the color of her panty. @_@ Oh gawd, seriously people, I don't have a problem if you wanna show your "sexy" arse but please, not that kinda view, I'm not saying that I'm perfect or anything but come on man. That is way disturbing, what if there's kids around @_@ *imagine what will come up from their tiny little minds? @_@

I'm sorry if anyone offended by this but I just *sigh.

Anyways, lets scratch all that off and proceed to what's installed for next weekend. Uncle will have a Runebound boardgame session at Bryan's house this Saturday the 30th.

31st August 2008 (Sunday) is the Grand Opening of Jofanna Bridal, more info click here.

Is there anything else that I'm not aware of? *blurs~

photo credits to dori / Ed

For those who attended the recent Sabah Bloggers Gathering might have heard about the band, locust day dream?

Here's a brief intro of their band and members.

Locust Day Dream was founded by Rainer Yong in 2005 as a solo side project to lay out different ideas from his current band Diploid. By combining dreamy guitar riffs accompanied by fast paced electronic drums, synths, multiple effects and pure determination, he has achieved the sound he wanted to share with experimental listeners. And now LDD is upgraded with new addition to the band in the form of Decipher [DJ and effects] and Rachel Yong[drums].

Well now you can listen to their songs, check out the new demo song titled "Devotion", click here. More about them, click here.

Over and out.


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    The band name sounds like a bad fetish! Hahahahaha!

  2. hahaha. more like sick fetish.

  3. DIY and experimental... really nice.. if you add a vocal effect i think it's more better. Like a "drone" sound.i'm looking forward for more tracks from you guys. I check the logo, really nice and creative.

  4. yay! Go fetish...wait..I mean Go Uncle!! ...hehehe...

  5. Dan: hahahahahah it's a fetish!

    uncle: @_@ does this mean u're a fetish too? @_@ omg

    aj: yes, simplicity is indeed gewd XD

    xander: ahahhahahahahaha go fetish! XD

  6. locust day dream and runebound.. good combo..

    i want runebound NAO!

  7. b sudah balik ka? @_@

  8. I've seen things I don't want to see, most of the time at shopping complexes.

    There was this girl and she was wearing a low rider. It was too low that even her... urmmm... butt 'lurah' was exposed!! *Ayoyo!!!*

  9. *Laughing hysterically at Nessa's comment*

    Butt lurah, that's a classic la Nessa.

    But yes, I've some sights that make me wanna puke la ... Some of these people just don't really look at themselves in the mirror before they go out ah?

    Next time maybe I'll take picture and post them on my blog! LOL!

  10. nessa: OMG i know wut u mean, I sometimes er have that problem but I'm owez trying to pull my shirt down to cover it @_@

    nick: LOL hey i got a fren posted about "lurahs" before LoL! XD siap ada gambar! XD OMG

  11. thanks to those who said some really nice things about the band hehe. it is people like you who makes us continue fighting the good fight!

    most of all thanks to you aunty for helping me out :)

  12. uncle: u're most welcome. yes yes i know u love me, so buy me pizza mwahhahaha XD kidding kidding

  13. massy become auntie already.. wah la weii.. hahahahhaa

    ok back to top topic.. wahh nessa with her lurah terms.. bahaya bahaya.. saw that too here.. and the white everything till you can see everything.. saw that too.. i just geleng kepala... totally amazed and i laughed my way out of there. unbelievable ... like the axn ZONKER VIDEO channel 701.

  14. PapaJPP, it's juz a nickname between me and uncle (rainer) hahahahaha..I'm no auntie wokeh XP

    oh yeah and nessa with her lurah term is so funny XD yeah we should create that vid XD
